Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Rugs and Redheads

01/29/2007 12:44 am
Maybe they should keep visions of Sunnydale to themselves if they ever want to get out of the looney bin.
Oh yes, but then there would be no story to tell.

Just hang in there and all will come to fruition.

08/01/2006 06:40 am
I love how you take bits and pieces, like the rug, that in this world are ordinary thing but in the other world had special meaning.
HE!HE! There's alot of that going on isn't there?

07/17/2006 11:22 pm
Is it real real or is it drug real?
It isn't drug related. The question of the whole thing. Is this the real world, or is this the delusion?

07/16/2006 06:14 am
I enjoyed Wilow's babbling, I think it's really interesting that Willow knew Buffy in high school. I can't wait for Willow and Tara's reaction to what Buffy tells them. Spike and Buffy's little exchange about the rug was so cute. Loved the chapter!
You've got to have Willow babbling, she'd be out of character if you didn't. The knowing of her in high school was something that my muse wouldn't leave me alone about.
Couldn't pass up the rug, and it seemed to fit with the office furnishings.

07/16/2006 05:09 am
love the story, all the characters are there and noone dies! yea!
Someone finally got the whole connection. You get a cookie.

07/16/2006 02:23 am
i enjoyed this chapter, very good...wondering why everybody's in the delusions in this particular version...cant wait for more :)
Oh, it's not exactly like Normal again. That would've been a little boring considering. Plus the doctor in it wasn't a character that I wanted to revisit.

07/16/2006 01:28 am
bad spike, lol
...or good Spike. cause it brought to mind naked Spike.

07/15/2006 10:52 pm
well worth the effort. great chapter. can't wait for more
Thank you much. Very much.

07/15/2006 10:47 pm
good read, thanks. love the bit about the rug. thanks again.
Yep, having a bit of de'ja' vue here.

07/15/2006 10:46 pm
Just thought of all the sponge bath's Tara must have given him while he was in the coma? to bad she's gay, so yum worthy, anyway they're all there and I can't wait to see their reaction to the explaination from the blonds. good chapter. Thanks for the read.
You know I think I want to be Tara, now that you've brought up that little tid-bit.

Just think about it, what would be your reaction to something as outlandish as the story they're getting ready to spout out.

07/15/2006 10:46 pm
good read, thanks. love the bit about the rug. thanks again.
Had to use the rug. Nearly everything has a connection to something in the actual Buffy verse. But what is what?