Trusting You by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: For What It's Worth

01/29/2008 12:43 am
oh  i love how you turned it around

cause lie xander said run to buffy in in to the woods

08/09/2006 06:46 pm
Glad Xander came to his senses. Love the Willow/Tara.
thanx :)

08/07/2006 10:34 am
I loved Buffy's speech and the acceptance she demanded for Spike whether or not he takes her back. I'm glad that Xander finally realized that Buffy would never be his and what his foolishness was costing him.
thanx :)

08/04/2006 10:40 pm
Will he make it? Will Anya take him back? I am off toread 25.
thanx :)

07/28/2006 04:43 pm
For thefirst time xander is doing something smart
thanx, glad you like it :)

07/28/2006 03:54 am
Great JL, very sweet Buffy and Happy Birthday.
thanx, glad you like it :) and thanx for the kind wishes :)

07/26/2006 07:36 am
That was cool, the way you switched Buffy and Xander's roles there.  Nice chapter. :)
thanx, glad you liked it :)

07/26/2006 01:33 am
excellent read. very good to see buffy speak the truth. very sad to see that xander might have an opportunity to redeem himself with anya. he does not deserve her. thanks for the wonderful read.
thanx, glad you like it...i like to let xander redeem himself, because i always felt like he mostly had a good heart, but let his motivations get all mixed up...thanx for the review :)

07/26/2006 12:13 am
Nice speech by Buffy. Will Anya take Xander back? It's too bad she loves him; she deserves better. Is it Spuffy now?
it's been spuffy...just not always happy spuffy :)

07/25/2006 10:26 pm
Yeah. Run, Xander. Run into a big pit full of pointy sticks, acid, and venomous snakes... and bunch of other nasty stuff
he deserves it, doesn't he? :)

07/25/2006 08:20 pm
Well, finally...on so many counts.
lol :)

07/25/2006 07:53 pm
Great chapter. I am glad that Buffy was completely honest with her friends, herself and Spike. I hope it is not too late for Xander but he should have to do a lot of begging to Anya.
thanx, glad you like it :)

Kimberly Adams
07/25/2006 05:46 pm
Loved this chapter and what you did between Buffy and Spike! For her to finally be open and honest and let everyone know was just great and I thank you for that. I probably won't be able to handle Blood Bound for a little bit since I am too exhausted from packing and getting ready to move. I know, a coward...I will wait until I get to LA.
thanx, glad you like it..i know BB is getting a bit scary, but it'll all come out right in the end :)

07/25/2006 04:51 pm
xander not very bright is he! he's only just realized that buffy's not intrested in him poor boy what it must be like to live in ignorance. there's a word that describes him perfectly ignoramus.well done buffy for standing up and telling them all how she's been feeling even if is because of the truth spell. perhaps spike's trust in her is going to grow again nowhe knows she can't for dawn it about time she learnt not to express wishes to complete strangers. as always jl brillant update
thanx so much, so glad you're still enjoying it :) and even if it *is* because of the truth is nevertheless *true*, and he cant deny that :)

07/25/2006 02:42 pm
Well, the light dawns! Hallelujah. Love the speech she made, it's a shame it took a truth spell for her to do it though. And, Buffy telling Xander to "Run" after Anya, is just kinda poetic irony. Since I'm a sucker for a happy ending, I hope that he catches her, and they work things out. Can't wait for the next update.
i liked writing it that way...glad you enjoyed it :)

07/25/2006 02:28 pm
It's about time he got knocked on the side of the head with a clue-by-four.

Lovely speach from Buffy as well.
glad you liked it :)

07/25/2006 02:14 pm
Took him long enough.
Great chapter! =)
too true :)

07/25/2006 02:03 pm
At last - Buffy is being straight with everyone. Never thought I'd live so long!
lol thanx