Aloha my love by Isabel
Chapter: Rescue me

02/25/2007 07:42 pm
Very funny - Spike pouting because he didn't get to fight - getting lost - arguing about nothing. Total Spuffy.

08/12/2006 09:40 pm
I loved Buffy teasing Spike about not being able to find his way out of the jungle and his embarrassment at being rescued. Thanks for the updates, I really enjoyed them.

08/01/2006 09:56 pm
Cards on the table and we're all happy. Lovely!!
Thanks, Lou.

08/01/2006 06:56 am
:D lol

08/01/2006 03:52 am
I am just so happy to see this story continue. I did miss it. Love how they were found. And it is too funny that normal ppl had to come and find the "chosen" one along with her vampire companion.. can't wait until she gets back to the resort.
lol Yeah, that's what I was going for. I thought it would be hilarious if normal people would find them. Thanks, letitia, and I'll try updating more often.

07/31/2006 11:40 pm
So happy you starting updating this fic again. Love it. And now for that shower....**WEG**

07/31/2006 11:37 pm
So happy you starting updating this fic again. Love it. And now for that shower....**WEG**
I'll try to update more frequently from now on. Thanks for your review.

07/31/2006 08:43 pm
Well, I wanted to make you guys laugh. I guess I succeeded lol

07/31/2006 07:39 pm
That was TOO funny! Great chapter. I loved Spike being all moody when she gets back to him. I am also very happy that he finally asked her what they were.
Glad I made you laugh. That was the point :D And yes, it was about time they had that little talk. Now, let's just hope Buffy isn't being overly optimistic about their future in Sunnydale. Wouldn't it be great if she finally found the courage to tell him she loves him too? I'll update soon.

07/31/2006 06:15 pm
Ha ha ha! I'd expect better from Spike...navigate by the stars, or something.

Thank goodness for park rangers.
Poor Spike and Buffy. All the sex they had in the last couple of days affected their brains :D

07/31/2006 05:22 pm
great update!! :heartfic:

I totally love the new chappie, just the right amount of fun, seriousness and smut. Buffy and Spike are too cute, totally lost!! :)
Can't wait for more!! :soon:
Thank you, deedo. Glad you enjoyed it.

07/31/2006 05:02 pm
lol that was funnny.. i cant wait until they get back to the hotel ;) lol
Thank you.