Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 4.16

06/26/2010 02:57 am
Whew, that was close. :) Great chapter!

And I must say I'm with Dawn on the no forgiveness yet thing. It's like Xander can act like a semi-decent, sane, non-brain-dead person only when there's an even bigger jerk than him around. He looks a tiny smidge better by comparison and somehow it pushes him to do something that makes that difference big enough to be really noticable. Can't say I'm very much impressed.

08/29/2007 05:15 pm
It was nice to hear what Xander did and said.
Occasionally, you realise there might be hope for him, yet.


09/04/2006 11:22 am
Looks like there may be a very happy wedding after all, with all of her friends there to wish her well. That's a very happy thought. Fantastic chappie T, thanks.
Lol! Round about Chapters 97-100 of AAD, though I'm not about to guarantee that all of Buffy's friends will make it that far...

Thanks, honey!

08/24/2006 08:46 pm
Thank you!

08/14/2006 02:36 am
fine read, thank you. you know i agree with dawn's "You're still a jerk,"
Big grin! Cool. At least I know I have one reader who won't be asking me when I'm going to give Xander a break. Thank you!

08/13/2006 11:45 pm
i love dawn's comment at the end...lol...great chapter...like the way spike handled wood...can't wait for the next chapter, hopefully with some nice spuffy comfort scenes...poor spikey :( great chapter though :)
Thanks, honey!

We all know Spike can be every bit as devastating with his words as with his fists, and Dawn will keep Xander on his toes. As for the Spuffiness of the next chapter, you can judge for yourself now.

08/13/2006 08:43 pm
Ah, some of the best of what i love about Spike. Damn!
Thanks, honey!

Spike can do so much damage with his tongue that he doesn't always have to use his fists.

08/13/2006 07:28 pm
oh lovely chapter - I love the rescue of spike and how family sticks together - xander actually was rather cool in this chapter - such an excellant chapter
Thank you, honey!

Just because Xander is a git, doesn't mean that he always has to be a complete and total git. ;)