Three for a Secret... by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 8 Betrayal

06/01/2010 11:51 am

04/11/2007 01:35 am
Whoa, scary Spike! This is getting more and more exciting!

02/05/2007 01:36 am
About freakin' time Spike. You've seen her true colors. One question, I forgot that Spike was her sire. Can't he open the Sire/Childe link and track 'Bella. Or at least smell her?

11/07/2006 04:09 am
very good update to an excellent read, thank you. absolutely love spike responce to the situation.

08/23/2006 08:32 pm
Well I hope she gets what she deserves!

08/19/2006 02:59 pm
I'm happy that Buffy is getting a clue. Love the interaction between Anya and Div'vid. Good chapter!
Thank you. Yes, I have high hopes of Anya and Div’vid!

08/19/2006 12:22 pm
Oh no!!! I ran out of chapters! I sure hope you'll update this soon. I just love it. Maybe here Buffy will acknowledge her feelings for Spike. Great chapter. Wonderful read, thank you for this fun and exciting fic.
So pleased you are still enjoying this story. Thanks for all the reviews and only sorry I never get the time to answer every one. But I read them all - avidly!

08/19/2006 09:43 am
u know the recaps would be a good idea. Iloved this chapter. Div'vid's bit about what he was gonna do to Xander...LOL. Anya was as amusing as ever. Arbella's a bitch but I love her! Maybe u shouldn't dust her anytime soon. thnnx for the great read.
yes, you have a good point. I think recaps on each chp would be useful as I can’t update every week. RL gets in the way. Glad you like Arabella. I have a sneaking regard for her, too.

08/19/2006 05:33 am
Yay! Spike is growing some balls. About time too! I so hope Arabella will do something to make him see she was lying to him the entire time. I doubt it because she's one smart evil chick, but one can hope, right? Can't wait to see what's going to happen.
Thanks for the review. I think Spike is beginning to wise up a little. Beginning to think like a demon instead of a cousin. That’ll be fun!

08/19/2006 03:04 am
Oh, about time he realizes she isn't all goodness and sweet affection! And Buffy's being so good about not saying 'I told you so' about Arabella.

Poor Anya's always second best...She and Xander should stay at the Magic Box. This place is too wonky for normal humans to help in. Who knows what dangers lie ahead?
You are so right. But let’s see how Div’vid responds to Anya!

08/19/2006 01:58 am
Now I don't like his cousin and if she is keeping something from Spike. I really do hope he gets his hands on her. Oh her poor husband...
Yes, being bright green, seven feet tall and having a wife like Arabella - life just isn’t fair on some demons!

08/19/2006 01:27 am
It's so satisfying to see Spike finally looking at Arabella in a different light. I can't wait to find out how or if the crafty Arabella weasels her way out of this situation. Wonderful chapter! :)
She’ll certainly try.

08/19/2006 12:43 am
wondereful read, thank you. really enjoy an angry spike.

08/18/2006 11:40 pm
Great Chapter

08/18/2006 11:17 pm
*now* spike's talking sense! finally he's starting to see the truth about his cousin...hope that she doesn't manage to wiggle her way out of it...great chapter, and i can't wait to read more :)