Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 18

11/27/2006 04:04 pm
Oh, exciting, who did he (my guess is Angel) bring with him. Great chapter.
You'll see.

09/01/2006 05:15 pm
Well done :D I wonder who the mystery guy is? Or his help?
*grin* Thanks.. and I can guarantee he isnt there to help.

08/30/2006 05:46 am
imlovin this story.please update soon hihih
very soon

08/29/2006 07:13 am
Hey, just glad to have an update. Must be Peaches at the door or Spike wouldn't have growled, but who's with him? An Immortal? One of Buffy's old lovers? Short but sweet. Enjoyed every word, thanks.
Glad to finally be able to update! RL sucks...

You'll see who is at the door... mega surproses for all!

08/29/2006 02:35 am
Good chapter.Update soon.Hee with Buffy having to make up with the horsemen.
*snicker* Updating soon... I hope!

08/28/2006 06:40 pm
Thanks so much for the update. I love the information about Buffy that it provided and how perfectly it set up what is next to come.
Thanks. *grin* and oooo is it a doozy!

08/28/2006 06:39 pm
Fee, fi fo fum... looking forward to the confrontation.
*grin* I can guarantee it will be a doozy.

08/28/2006 05:29 pm
You've left me wanting more! looking forward to the smackdown
Smackdown 2006! *grin* its gonna be a doozy!

08/28/2006 04:00 pm
I absolutly love this story. The creativity of the plot, and the extensiveness of the charicters is so spot on, and wonderfull. I can't wait for you to update. I'm really looking forward to reading more. Really really Great Story.
Thanks sugar. I do my best to keep things real.... sometimes. *grin* Update coming soon!

08/28/2006 01:08 pm
Looks like a major smackdown is brewing. I can't wait to find out if Angel is the idiot who's standing on the other side of the door, cause if he is things are gonna get really ugly just like Buffy said. Thanks for finding the time to give us such a great update! :)
Major indeed, suprises galore, ugliness abounds *grin*

08/28/2006 11:15 am
such I cliff hanger! hope you read more soon
I will and thanks!

08/28/2006 07:01 am
great read, thank you. love "The Horsemen weren’t my brightest idea, in retrospect.” was going to whine about the chapter length, but you already addressed that. so i'll just comment on the evil cliffie.
thanks , again.
Thanks for reading and reviewing. *grin* and I LOVE evil cliffies... *giggle*