Borrowed Time by msclawdia
Chapter: The Espresso Pump

05/18/2015 05:37 am
Oh a prophecy - always like that element in a story - well with the HUGE exception of the Twilight Times Slayer Evolution malarkey. 

Loving it. :-)
06/06/2010 01:32 pm

06/14/2009 06:37 pm
Loving the improved camaraderie between the friends!

02/16/2007 09:16 am
Oh my god, this story is so great. You have such fantastic characterization-- it's seriously the BEST! Loving every SECOND of this fic! (And neglecting my legions of homework to finish it, haha.)

Thank you so much! Borrowed Time is the first story I was brave enough to post. I was really nervous about it, but now consider it my best. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

01/21/2007 04:47 am
Brought her a heater! So Sweet - everyone.

Heh, thanks!

10/30/2006 02:47 pm
I enjoyed the xander and anya interatction and how they dealt with it - very nicely done!

Thanks again!

10/29/2006 09:31 am
I love how Anya clued Buffy in on the fact that she and Xander knew about Spike. I also liked that Xander was more upset that Buffy hadn’t told him then he was about the relationship. The scene with Willow and Xander was nice. I loved Dawn’s look at what was going on and how she mentioned the cot in the basement.

Thanks so much for all the feedback. Even in canon, Xander was really mad about being lied to. Buffy definitely has a pattern of lying or keeping secrets to protect people, and that's not going to go over well sometimes,

10/12/2006 06:44 am
very enjoyable read, thank you. anya leaving the heater and the bill was a wonderful touch. dawn aiding and abbetting is very funny.

Thanks again. Anya and Dawn continue to be the most fun to write, even when the Anya is indirect.

10/02/2006 02:29 pm
I am glad that Xander did not cause more than he did. And this is something the Buffy really needs right now. Love Dawn and her faking self and what a Christmas for Spike and Tara to be invited. Love it..

Glad you liked it!

10/01/2006 07:57 pm
Really enjoying this, sorry i haven't been reviewing more but i am reading and am loving. I'm very interested to see where you are going with all this.

I loved Xander's reaction and him caring more about the fact she felt she couldn't tell him- so very in character for Xander yet not a reaction i've ever seen written in a fic.

Both the Willow and Xander scene, and the Buffy and Spike scene, with the last scene were all very heartwarming and nice, though makes me think something bad is going to come and break up the happiness very soon.

One tiny thing though- people drink honey in tea?? Yuck! Why? :P I'm english and our english tea comes with milk and maybe suger, as far as i've ever seen or had though, is this an american thing? Or a brit thing i'm not aware of? Not picking holes but proper curious, and it stood out at me as being weird! Heh.

Anyhow, keep up the good writing. :)

Shan, I'm delighted that you're enjoying my respose to your challenge. It has been a lot of fun to do.

I do not know if the honey thing is an American thing or a Southern thing, but that's how I've always taken tea. I did not think about that possibly being a regional thing when I put it in. Oops! :) And I assure you, honey is always better ;)

10/01/2006 07:57 pm
Really enjoying this, sorry i haven't been reviewing more but i am reading and am loving. I'm very interested to see where you are going with all this.

I loved Xander's reaction and him caring more about the fact she felt she couldn't tell him- so very in character for Xander yet not a reaction i've ever seen written in a fic.

Both the Willow and Xander scene, and the Buffy and Spike scene, with the last scene were all very heartwarming and nice, though makes me think something bad is going to come and break up the happiness very soon.

One tiny thing though- people drink honey in tea?? Yuck! Why? :P I'm english and our english tea comes with milk and maybe suger, as far as i've ever seen or had though, is this an american thing? Or a brit thing i'm not aware of? Not picking holes but proper curious, and it stood out at me as being weird! Heh.

Anyhow, keep up the good writing. :)

10/01/2006 07:57 pm
Really enjoying this, sorry i haven't been reviewing more but i am reading and am loving. I'm very interested to see where you are going with all this.

I loved Xander's reaction and him caring more about the fact she felt she couldn't tell him- so very in character for Xander yet not a reaction i've ever seen written in a fic.

Both the Willow and Xander scene, and the Buffy and Spike scene, with the last scene were all very heartwarming and nice, though makes me think something bad is going to come and break up the happiness very soon.

One tiny thing though- people drink honey in tea?? Yuck! Why? :P I'm english and our english tea comes with milk and maybe suger, as far as i've ever seen or had though, is this an american thing? Or a brit thing i'm not aware of? Not picking holes but proper curious, and it stood out at me as being weird! Heh.

Anyhow, keep up the good writing. :)

10/01/2006 08:20 am
So glad Spike got to come over for Christmas Eve.

I am surprised that Tara is seeing someone. I wonder if we'll see more of this!

And Dawn is keeping tabs on the prophecy. Good girl!

You're doing an excellent job with this and I can't wait for the next bit.

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm working on the next chapter and hope to have it ready soon.

10/01/2006 12:31 am
Ah - great chapter. I loved the idea that Xander was more upset that Buffy felt she couldn't tell him, than he was at what it was. I don't know that I've seen that anywhere before.

Thanks! Yeah, Xander's not jumping for joy, but he's more worried about his own relationship with Buffy than Spike's.

09/30/2006 08:41 pm
I really like Dawn's POV. You have written her feelings and opinions clearly, and I like how Giles is learning about the First prophecy earlier. I think the way they explained in S7 wasn't very clear, it was like they wanted to get it out of the way.

I can't wait to see how you will continue it on from now, and am exited about how the SPuffy relationship seems to be kinda almost healthy... Dead Things will prove to be interesting! good luck.

Thanks, I hope you'll continue to like it. I have really enjoyed writing Dawn. The Dead Things chapter continues to be a pain to write, but I promise I will have it done, hopefully ready for beta by the end of the weekend!

09/30/2006 05:13 pm
Aww... I'm sad that you stopped there. I want more! I am really enjoying this story! Dawn and Joyce are so sneaky! The Willow/Xander scene I think was really needed. Poor willow's not a bad guy and I'm glad you're spinning it that way. lol, Anya bought Spike a space heater and left a bill!!! Too funny!!!

Thank you, there will definitely be more soon.

And even in sunny California, a hole in the ground is going to get chilly in January :)

09/30/2006 07:30 am
Lovely chapter! Just cute and touching. I guess all the enigmatic prophecies are to keep us coming back for more, right? That is just so... working really good. Because now I can hardly wait for the next update. :)

Thanks so much! I'm am working on the next update. Hopefully I can get it drafted over the weekend. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it.

09/30/2006 05:01 am
Yes, things will change for Willow and Xander, so it's nice to have this time together. I love Tara so much and really happy that Buffy invited her over for dinner. Everyone accepting Spike into Buffy's life, has been wonderful. Even if they're only doing it for her sake. Anya thinking of the heater was just great. Great fic, thanks for the read.

I'm glad you liked the scene with Willow and Xander. I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for the great feedback. Hope you'll like what's to come.

09/30/2006 03:39 am
That was sweet. Dawn the facilitator.

So everybody knows except Giles now, right? And gee, the world hasn't ended...

Ah...prophecy about the First, and the Slayerettes....

Yay for inviting Tara, too...she needed that, needs family.

And a goofy Vegas wedding would be really fitting for Xander and Anya. Though Vegas does nice weddings, too....

Thanks! No world endage yet, anway :)

09/30/2006 02:39 am
Great chapter with lots of interesting possibilies - nice to have some happiness.

Thanks! I wanted something kinda fluffy before the next chapter.

09/30/2006 02:33 am
Awww... Go Dawn.


09/30/2006 02:10 am
that was such a warm, homey kind of scene, very heart-warming...both of them, actually, the willow/xander scene and the buffy and family scene...very nicely done, looking forward to more :)

Thanks. I really wanted a scene with Willow that wasn't entirely about her magic use or lack thereof.

09/30/2006 02:08 am
Huh. I thought when you mentioned the "slayer infertile" thing you were precluding any chance of a baby fic. Not that I mind, I like baby fics if they're well done and this is certainly is so far. Unless that's Angel's prephecy for Connor? Can't wait for more. And I really think that Giles/Joyce should mention something like that to Buffy whether it's conjecture or not, since, HELLO, her body. That's just not right to not mention anything about it. Could already be happening, and if she's used to not having a period, then really, how's she gonna know until she's barfing and such? She'd have no idea what to watch for. Anyway, really looking forward to the next update and seeing where you'll go with this.

eee! So not a baby fic, promise :) Not that it can't be done well, but that's not where this one is going.

Yes, at some point someone will have to talk to Buffy. I hope to have more soon. Thanks for reviewing!

09/30/2006 01:44 am
awwww very sweet. love this chapter. I really love how xander brought it up excusing it as an excuse not to have to feed more mouths at the wedding.

And I love Anya's line about being confused about what things she's supposed to pretend not to know heh.

Thanks! Poor Anya. It's been years since my wedding, and I still remember the planning stress.