It Happened One Night by GoldenBuffy
Chapter: Chapter Eight: If I forgive You like This…And You Forgive Me like That

Freakin excellent. :-)
05/15/2010 02:09 pm

09/27/2007 06:01 am
buffy is finally starting to see. delightful read, thank you.
Yes she is. But how long will it take for her to fully see Spike? Glad you're still enjoying!

11/24/2006 04:25 pm
Ohh,cute. Good chapter.
Thank you!

11/01/2006 12:32 am
Baby steps are so cute!
Yeah, I just didn't want them diving into anything head first,lol.

10/06/2006 01:40 pm
Nice chapter. It brought a happy smile to my face.
Yay, that's what I wanted, happy smile son faces! I am plseased. ^_^ Thanks for the review and glad you liked!

10/06/2006 02:21 am
A big yuck for what was going to happen to Dawn. I loved the interaction between Spike and Buffy after they had saved Dawn, I just hope they can keep up this move towards a better relationship. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Yeah, nasty demon seed yuk! But yay for Spuffy time, hee hee hee. I think Buffy is starting to have a change of heart. Thanks for the review! ^_^

10/04/2006 02:18 pm
Awww. What a great chapter. I'm still in the Buffy should tell Spike she's pregnant club. I'm looking forward to reading more. Thanks for writing.
Yeah, me too. But it's looking like him finding out will happen soon, as long as Mr. Muse is in the mood,lol. Thanks for the review!

10/04/2006 05:48 am
New chapter of this fic definitely calls for a happy dance. Loved it - from the kidnapping of Dawn by weird, reptile demon boy to the action packed cooperative rescue to the friendship conversation. You packed a lot into one chapter. Now I'm just waiting for the scene WHERE SPIKE FINDS OUT. Can't wait, so update soon. Uh... please?
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. If things go the way I plan Spike should be finding out very soon. But sometimes my muse has a way of writing what he wants, and in his time frame, lol. Thanks for the review!

10/04/2006 12:02 am
Me Likey :P
Yay! Me happy you like!

10/03/2006 09:52 pm
Guess Dawn's got the same luck that they all do attracting demons. Her only other boyfriends were a vamp and a jock with an enchanted jacket. Glad that Buffy's starting to see him as something more then her enemy. Thanks for the update. Great chapter.
Yeah, poor Dawn, will her luck ever change? Yup, Buffy's finally opening her eyes! Thanks for the review!

10/03/2006 06:00 pm
Liking it a lot so far. Can hardly wait for the next update. Thanks.
I'm glad you're liking! Thanks for the review!

10/03/2006 01:54 pm
Awww...she's thawing out.
Yes, we can all see the ice melting! ^_^