Adamo by Spikeschilde
Chapter: 1

07/13/2010 04:23 am

10/28/2008 03:45 am

glad to see Buffy stick to her guns.  Your writing is really top notch.

11/28/2006 03:58 pm
Aw, they seem to fit so good together. Great chapter.

10/16/2006 10:47 am
love love love it!

10/16/2006 03:11 am
Spike's thoughts on Dru are very interesting. How would he feel if she got dusted - yeah she was rotten, made Spike into a monster and slept with the Big Poof, but he still loved her. LOL about Spike's comment about Buffy using her brain. Heh heh.

10/11/2006 07:10 pm
Just read the first two chapters and I've very intrigued to read more.

10/11/2006 04:03 am
well well well. Buffy made the first move and Spike has been respectful. I just hope that he is honest with her soon. I am hoping that they can make it and I am so upset with the scoobies not coming at least to check things out.

10/11/2006 03:36 am
*looks hopefully at the author* More? That is just so funny how both of them aren't really hurt by their losses, yet they think the other one is. Great job. Can't wait to see more!

10/10/2006 10:15 pm
very good read, thank you. buffy is willing to feed him, very good. spike didn't tell her about the claim, why do i believe that is very bad?

10/09/2006 05:35 pm
Well done :D

10/09/2006 10:03 am
I am really loving this fic. I love the closeness and comfort Spike and Buffy feel for each other. I am looking forward to the next update.

10/09/2006 08:19 am

10/09/2006 07:56 am
WOW!! Just read both chapters and absolutely love it already. I have a total soft spot for S2 fics, and this one is def. one I'm gonna enjoy reading. Can't wait for another update!!

10/09/2006 04:39 am
wow...what a solution for her to come up with! perfect! lol...but she still doesn't know about the claim...just how much control does it give him over her? great chapter, btw :)

10/09/2006 12:51 am
Cool beginning - very promising start to this fic. I would love to see how a slayer and an unchipped, souless vampire manage to find ways to compromise and live together. Can't wait to read more.

10/08/2006 11:17 pm
I am already hooked! I can't wait to read more!

10/08/2006 10:46 pm
great second chapter, looking forward to more.

10/08/2006 07:27 pm
oh wow. and I say wow. that was amazing. and the ups and downs in their emotions were amazing

10/08/2006 06:17 pm
I love this. I can already tell this is going to be one of my favorite stories. I hope we find out what's going on with her family and friends soon and also that Spike tells her about the claim soon, why he did it, what it means...blah blah blah.

10/08/2006 05:46 pm
Wonderful! Hope she won't go ballistic when he tells her about the claim. (He will tell her?...)Really am eagerly waiting for the next chapter. Thanks.

10/08/2006 05:25 pm
Very intriguing -- it's odd that no one's been to look for her though.

10/08/2006 05:00 pm
Like the inner thoughts they are both showing. . . and him not telling her is going to come up, I'm sure of it.
Am looking forward to see how you develop this story and where it goes. Nice job

10/08/2006 04:28 pm
;-) so... with lots of reviews there will be lots of chapters?... do double reviews count?
Love the story!

10/08/2006 03:23 pm
So what's up with the gang? Have they been led to believe she's dead somehow? Curious as to what's going on and looking forward to more.

10/08/2006 02:45 pm
It lived up to my expectations all right. Great chapter.

10/08/2006 01:28 pm
Living together? that's Spike dream come true even if he doesn't know it yet. Really surprised that no one been around to see how she's doing, that least Giles. They did need that conversation, get everything out in the open. Yup, doing great here with this fic, thanks for the read.

10/08/2006 01:13 pm
Very good Start. It will be interesting to see how the "Domestic" live will be for them. Knowing these two... Ho Boy... :)
Please update soon.

10/08/2006 12:28 pm
Well, this is a pretty magnanimous Buffy!

Funny how they're both not mourning their formers as much as they think the other is.

And not even in her undies now...surprised young Buffy allowed that, even if he was taking care of her injuries so nicely.