Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Sense Memory

10/19/2006 09:48 am
Wow, that was wonderful. He remembered that they were married. Another step forward. Jonina's rabbit's name is Spike? Did she know that's her dad's name? He must be a great comfort for her. Hope Oscar tortures him for years, maybe not. Torture for a little while and then kill him. Yeah, that'll work for me. Put Prayer for a Poet & Vanishing Point on my list. Wonderful chapter, don't know how I missed it, thanks.
She named her bunny after the "Prince" from her Slayer dreams...and her imaginary friend,aka ghosty Spike from "VP". The "Prayersverse" is a bit complicated. But I know you'll enjoy it. :)

10/17/2006 06:31 am
warm, beautiful read, thank you. oscar can do whatever he wishes to liam; the more painful, the better.
Thanks. Oscar,though he doesnit need your permission, is glad for it:) and will keep it in mind as the story progresses. :)

10/15/2006 03:28 pm
Sunlight? I really like the chapter, but that confused me a bit.
If you remember, in "Angel's" last season there was "necro-tempered" glass in the law firm. I mentioned in a previous chapter that the dojo is outfitted with the same glass. Sorry to confuse you. :)

10/14/2006 05:49 am
I ended this chapter with the thought that it was just beautiful, then I remembered the scene with Oscar and Liam. The contrast as well as the information given by Oscar to Liam about where Spike had been really added to the impact that the other scenes left with me, and the ending with Jonina seeing her parents then slipping away particularly touched me. Thanks so much for the update.
Liam will be getting a close up lesson in what it means to be human-and a vampire. I just hope Spike *wants* to rescue him...

Miss Rose
10/14/2006 05:46 am
It's so great to see Spike and Buffy connecting. The exchanging of the ring was so romantic, and heartwarming. I enjoyed looking at the Spuffy moment through Joni's eyes. As for Liam he deserves what he gets, but i'm kinda worried that Oscar knows a little too much about Spike. Loved the chapter! :)
Mommy and Daddy are dancing again. Who can blame Jonina for being happy? Maybe they'll stay that way...?