Who Am I? by SciFi_GK
Chapter: Chapter 12 - Front row, center

07/04/2010 01:51 am

10/17/2006 08:14 am
lovely read, thank you. riley being more stupid than usual and spike getting to witness it. absolutely wonderful.
What could be more fun, right? LOL.

Thanks for reading.

10/15/2006 06:36 pm
I loved Faith's comment on Riley's skills and Faith wiggling her fingers and saying hi made he laugh. I love that Spike was there for this and his enjoyment but I do feel sorry for Buffy. There goes her last illusion that Riley really knows her.
Yeah, Faith was being a minx this chapter. And I just HAD to have Spike there for this. I mean, how could I not? Besides, would Buffy really rather have Giles see her in flagrante delicto (which she suspects her body will be)?

Anyway, Riley deserved it. LOL. I'm still working out the "It's your fault for me going to a vamp ho" rage. As you can tell. LOL. I don't know when I'll be done with the process, but today is not that day.

Tomorrow isn't looking too good, either.


Thanks for reading.

10/15/2006 03:00 pm
I'm really enjoying this fic. Just one teeny tiny thing though... the English swearword used by Spike is Bollocks. Not Bullocks. Which are male cows... unless you wanted to convey the same sort of thing without actually swearing, in which case ignore me. :)
OMG! Color me embarrassed! Crap, I'll fix it, I promise. Oh, phooey. Thank you! These things slide by cause me and my American Beta are only wingin' it, here. **shhh, don't tell** LOL.

Thanks for reading...and keeping me on the straight and narrow! ;-)

10/15/2006 09:40 am
Oh, poor poor Riley :P
Yeah, **sigh** Riley isn't going to get a reprieve from this author. The ponce. LOL. I guess I still haven't forgiven him for blaming HIS VAMP HO on Buffy. Let Sam deal with the tremendous Hall Monitor. :-P

Thanks for reading.

10/15/2006 09:12 am
Spike's really loving this, as he should. Do feel a little sorry for Buffy, her latest chance at "normal", just blew up in her face. She's got some thinking to do. Got to face that she's just not normal. Excellent chapter, going to read 13 now.
And isn't it about time, too? Jeez, get a clue girl! LOL.

Thanks. ;-)

10/15/2006 06:50 am
Thank you! :-)

10/15/2006 06:32 am
hehe! Awesome chapter! Is buffy planning to kill faith? I mean I understand she wants to, but would she? This is a great chapter. I was thrilled to see an update so soon! :)
Well, anything can happen, right? :-) My thinking is, after this (in the show's canon - AtS and BtVS, both), Buffy goes to LA where Faith showed up and Angel was helping, and she's ready to take Faith out. Her threshold has been reached. I'm thinking, right here, she's pretty close to that.

But, to tell the truth, I don't think she's quite there yet. So, nah. She'd hesitate...

...Or, maybe not (I know, I'm evil! LOL)

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/15/2006 04:55 am
oh good...riley gets to get dumped...i am actually glad that faith is so frank about things...riley deserved to hear the truth about his ... er... *skills*...lol...great chapter, on to the next :)
Yeah, I just don't think he's got the darkness Buffy needs. **sigh** But then, we have Spike for that, don't we? LOL. Thanks for reading. ;)