Testing Please by Glory
Chapter: 14

10/19/2006 03:58 am
very good read, thank you. with buffy, that last line could have also meant spike! fun read, thanks again

10/17/2006 05:01 pm
Loved the chapter :D

10/17/2006 11:35 am
Hate that I'm all caught up. I'm really enjoying your fic. Hope life doesn't get in the way too often so you can update again soon,'cause I'm really good at begging for them when I like a fic. Wes may know something or he may be able to find out. I bet it freaked her out when Spike came walking up. He really is pretty fearless, isn't he? Love this fic. Thank you for posting.

10/17/2006 09:05 am
Can't wait for phase 2 of the Council's test. Riley is annoyingly persistent. Buffy needs to look into the California stalker laws.

10/17/2006 08:24 am
cant she indeed? that would be so much simpler...lol...and spike needs a whuppin' himself, taking a risk like that...my own heart was pounding thinking the sun was gonna come out...excellent chapter, looking forward to more :)

10/17/2006 08:04 am
I just caught up with this and I love it.

Great story.

10/17/2006 06:22 am
Yes, just kill him.

10/17/2006 05:56 am
I enjoyed Buffy's thoughts on having a relationship with Spike. Spike coming out to get her and her worry was cute. I loved her final thought about Riley. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.

10/17/2006 04:12 am
hehehe god i hate riley. He's so annoying and clueless. I liked Spike coming out into the daytime to get her. Can't wait for the next update!

10/17/2006 01:47 am
OOh... now there's a thought...

10/16/2006 11:55 pm
Don't give him invitations if you want him to go away, Buff. LOL