Who Am I? by SciFi_GK
Chapter: Chapter 14 - The brunette Slayer, the chipped vampire and Buffy

07/04/2010 02:01 am

01/21/2008 05:12 am
LOL!!! I must say, that was hilarious!!!!!!!!!1

10/23/2006 03:49 am
That's go great! You did it perfectly. Just the right amount of humor and tension. Poor Buffy. And you won't hear me say that very often, don't like the bint, but she does get a bit of sympathy here. Poor Spike, he's gonna soooo hate being a girl!
Squirly, always a pleasure to have you stop by! And, can I say, WOW! YOU actually feel sorry for Buffy? I'm stunned, and oh-so-flattered! LOL.

And I don't know about Spike not liking being a girl. 1) He's got girl parts withing easy reach. 2) He's got no chip. 3) He's still got the strength of a slayer to ease that need for violence (which wouldn't be so easy as a 'normal' girl. Duh, why can't Buffy understand that? LOL).

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/22/2006 08:23 pm
That was great fun.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/22/2006 08:43 am
:O!!! Loved it :D
**beaming** Thank you! ;-)

Spikes Slayer2
10/22/2006 03:01 am
HAHAHAHAA LOL great chapter!!!
Thanks. :-D Glad you liked it!

10/22/2006 12:18 am
hahahahaha I thought that might happen with the warnings and the "NO" lol. hahaha poor buffy. What will spike do now that he's got the slayer's boobs at very easy access? hahaha
LOL. One never can tell with Spike, can they? Oh, wait. Yes. Yes they can. LOL. A gratuitous squeeze would not be out of character. ;-)

Thanks for sticking with. ;-)

10/21/2006 11:51 pm
Oh yeah, the real fun's about to begin. Buffy's going to have to have him stay at her place till they switch back. She'll be afraid of what he'd do to her body if not supervised. He's got to help her since she's got to drink blood and stay out of the sun and not to mention Riley and he's commandos, she can't take the chance that they'll catch him again will she's in there.Wonder if Riley's going to try and mac on Buffy/Spike! That would be hilarious! We females don't have as complicated of equipment to deal with either and Spike's only to have to help her with that. I seriously doubt that she'll want Giles help with it! This is going to be so much fun. Please update at least once before Halloween, that's my surgery date and I won't be home for a few weeks and I want to read more. I'm trying to convince me son to print out all the stories that I'm reading, but that's like 40 or 50 so I don't know how dedicated he's going to be. Studying for tests and keeping up the house while I'm gone. Thanks for the fun chapter, looking forward to more.
Hey! Are you writing this thing? LOL. Some of that might happen, some might not. Hope you'll be happy with it, either way.

As for our plumbing being less complicated, I might remind you of a certain time of the month when that wouldn't be so. *ahem* **EG**

Verda, I'll try to update at least once before Halloween, RL permitting. Good luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery.

I'm mighty chuffed that you're looking forward to more before then. :-)

Be well.

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/21/2006 11:23 pm
wonderful chapter, thank you
Hey, thanks for stopping by and reading!

hugs ;-)

10/21/2006 11:08 pm
Ha ha! Buffy's in Spike and Spike's in Buffy!

See, less with the talky and more with the chains, people. At least the switched bodies are of the harmless type now, instead of Faith still being in the mix. Cuz Spike is at least predictable.
He he he, isn't that fun?! But, uh, not so sure about the chains, pet. LOL. And, Spike isn't really all that predictable -- to Buffy. LOL. To US he's transparent. :-D

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/21/2006 10:05 pm
ROFL -Aha! and now we get to the meat of the story! LOL
So, can it only be used once? Cause, otherwise, couldn't they just do it again?
That's right! The meat of the story! Only took us 14 chapters! LOL. I can't tell you how tickeled I am that the humor is coming across in this fic. I really wanted something fun.

As for whether or not it can be used again, well, there is the challenge requirements to take into consideration. Spike and Buffy aren't the same situation as Faith and Buffy, are they? Not two slayers, equal but different. Nope, now we're talking vampire to slayer transfer. That's going to bugger things up a bit. And won't that be fun?! lol

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/21/2006 09:05 pm
oh no....well this should be very interesting...can't wait to see how it turns out...buffy might gain a bit of understanding for poor spike....this should be a learning experience :)
Well, she *does* get to walk a mile in Spike's boots, so I'm hoping for a lesson learned. But with Buffy, you never can be too sure. LOL.

Thanks for reading. ;-)

10/21/2006 08:52 pm
I love how you made the change. Not only did you get Faith back to her own body and Buffy and Spike switched, but you did it in a way that completely made sense and left in the wonderful scene with Spike and Faith-in-a-Buffy-suit at the Bronze. I love what Buffy telling Tara to take her time did for Tara. I think Willow almost has more power with her tears then with her magic and I really enjoyed Buffy’s and Spike’s reaction to them. Thank you so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! It's the whole reason it took us 14! chapters to get to the switch. I just love that Bronze scene. And it's pretty important to me to get it to make sense, even though this is a challenge.

Also, I think you're right, Willow *is* pretty powerful with her tears. This is, of course, when she's still close enough to our HS Willow, the innocent best friend who rolled with all the wacky that happened to and around Buffy. The corruption hasn't robbed her of all that yet. I'm glad that came across.

Thanks for sticking with it. :-)