Something to Sing About by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 13 Never Died

05/30/2010 03:43 pm
 Are all the little faces a review?   I don't understand whether you like it or not!

10/31/2006 11:28 pm
Good to see them working together.

10/31/2006 04:15 pm
great chapter :D

10/31/2006 02:26 am
good read, thank you. buffy was right; well they found them anyway.

10/28/2006 06:19 pm
I like that Xander found the inner strength to help Buffy and Spike. It was nice that Buffy admitted to Spike that she loved him and that she thought back to when she kissed him after he was tortured by Glory and realized that she had feelings for him even then. I loved it when Buffy admitted to Faith that she loved and trusted Spike and the peace she felt from admitting the truth. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Thanks for such a nice review. Do you have LJ by the way? I sometimes update there first.

10/28/2006 08:24 am
Way to go Xander. Stopping with the booze and helping. Guess Willow used a glammer to disguise them or maybe it was just a disguise with the robes. Now to get Spike and get out of there. They've got to come up with something and fast. Looking forward to your next update, great work, thanks.
Thank you for all the reviews. So pleased you’re enjoying the story.