Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 22

03/27/2007 06:54 pm
Wow shadow, I can't beleive I'm so far behind with this story. Guess it wasn't much of a battle for her after all especially with Methos there. Wonder how he and Spike as going to get along?. This is going to be very interesting. Hoping to get all caught up her today. Fun chapter, thanks.
oh I think they will get along just fine.

11/27/2006 07:34 pm
Great chapter, loved how they got help, that was just so cool.

11/18/2006 05:52 am

11/07/2006 12:48 am
rl does often suck, but fun updates, like this one, makes it much more tolerable. thank you for the fun read.
you are most welcome

11/04/2006 09:04 pm
Methos! You have Methos in the story. Have I mentioned I love Methos. After Spuffy, of course, I love a nice Buffy/Methos pairing. Awesome chapter!
Yes there is Methos....

11/04/2006 08:45 pm

..please tell me that this is oh dear methos from highlander.

11/04/2006 07:34 pm
may i please have so more. yes now! I'm willing to beg,bribe
ROFL I take naked spikes for bribes

11/04/2006 05:43 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Hee. Buffy kicked some butt.
Uh huh... major butt-kicking *grin* updating soon...

11/04/2006 05:01 pm
lol! that was great!... ;-) I wonder if Spike understood what they said... he was schooled in the victorian era after all... hm... lolz! Keep it up!
Thanks! I'm sure he understood the gist of it... *grin*

11/04/2006 03:39 pm
I loved it when Hammond realized who Buffy really was and his reaction. Buffy’s joy when they won and her reaction was fun, I loved how it took a little more then a quite cough to break Spike and Buffy apart. And yay Methos. I love him. I am really looking forward to the retribution against Hammond, Angel, and Hank for their actions. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it; and thank you for the Latin translation I basically knew what Buffy had yelled and what was said to Hammond but I had no clue about the oath Methos gave to Buffy.
*grin* just call me a history buff. That oath is basically the same as was given to Ares by his favoured worshippers...

Thanks for the review!

11/04/2006 02:27 pm
Well that sounded easy - what happened to Angel?
Angel-hurtage coming soon *grin*

11/04/2006 10:01 am
Well done :D
Thank you!

11/04/2006 07:55 am
Loved the Buffy/Methos interaction. As usual Anya was hysterical... lol! Wonderful chapter! :D
Thanks sugar *grin* Anya cracks me up.

11/04/2006 06:17 am
Ohhhh, she gets to command Methos? She is one lucky woman, I would love to be able to command Methos and Spike :D Great update, I hope Angel gets some more groin damage soon.
*snicker* yup... she has methos under her... thumb. *grin*

Angel damage coming soon.

11/04/2006 06:03 am
YAY!!!! I knew it! There's my Methos! I just love the snarky byplay that normally occurs between these 2 characters. Can't wait to read more. :)
Thanks sugar. Glad you enjoy it.

11/04/2006 05:45 am
Methos!?!?!, how I love that old man. This should be good!!


11/04/2006 05:02 am
Fantastic!!! Love it. yay!

New summary:
When an immortal slayer meets a one-of-a-kind vampire, the side of evil won't know what hit them.

It's cheesy, but maybe it'll give you some ideas.
Thanks hun. And it does give me some ideas.*hugs*