Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 5.13

09/04/2007 06:54 pm
Oh no please tell me she is alright and Spike can get to her.
She is alright and Spike can get to her.

Would I lie? Uh okay, yeah, I would.

11/08/2006 10:17 pm
very good chapter, thank you. you are starting develop a taste for evil cliffies.
Lol! Are they still cliffies if I post the next chapter at the same time? Though okay, I did leave it here for a couple of days... But, having said that when it comes to my fic 'evil' is one of my favourite compliments.

Thank you!

11/08/2006 07:07 am
oh no!!! someone needs to help them, neither one of them is really in any condition to finish this this is super scary...can't wait for more, love, gotta know what's gonna happen!!!
Thanks, honey! I'm really that whole build up of suspense is working.