Ring Around the Buffy - Conclusion by anaunthe
Chapter: 26. Payback

08/11/2013 11:21 am

The hints gave it away too easily - but it's hard to say if having the Huge Giles suprise would have worked and not have come off as a too easy fix.  Happy to see that they are all safe for now - plus nice if they all end up with a great big pile of cash from that slime bag Anton and if they can close down the entire operation. 

Sandy D.
07/08/2007 07:56 pm
I loved the plot twist. I figured it out by how many times you added the word tweedy to his discription. I think Giles deserved the save!! Good job.

12/16/2006 11:59 pm
Sorry, about missing the naked Buffy thing, but when you sent me the drafts I just assumed that some one had thrown her the dress at the first chance. Glad that some were still surprised and most everyone enjoyed Giles' rescue. Wished everyone had read it the way I did though, it was even more exciting. On to their escape. Great writing, Thanks.
Ah, so you liked it better with fewer hints? I got mixed reviews on that - and some readers missed it entirely while others picked up on it right away. Really, the idea didn't come to me until way late in the writing.

11/11/2006 03:05 am
that was a very good read, thank you. it was only after reading the a/n, that i realized, i would have preferred anyone rather than giles. it's a negative carryover from canon.
Like I told someone in another reply (it may have been you) I wasn't totally happy with it either - but I could definitely see Giles's having to come to the rescue reinforcing Gile's feelings of superiority and his dislike/distrust of Spike. Also, it seemed unlikely that he would just send the two of them off w/o any backup, and he had been Ripper - so it did seem in character to me.

11/08/2006 02:42 am
It was him cleaning his glasses for me.
You're not the only one to pick that moment. Thanks for the note.

11/08/2006 01:34 am
I was happy to see Spike effect the rescue - I was just a bit worried you were going to let something bad happen to Buffy first -
Wasn't going to happen. Even if Buffy wasn't going to remember any of it.

11/07/2006 06:54 pm
EnTHRALLing chapter *G*. Perfect solution too. Will this old master vampire return too like the Master? Will they have to pulverize his bones? Maybe he wasn't QUITE that old yet.

Yes, I guessed it was Giles and the hints were fine...subtle and not hitting one over the head. Could be missed on a quick read. Spike doesn't always have to save the day to be a hero so it was perfectly sensible to let Giles do it. I think the timing was spot on too.

Thanks pfeifferpack. And that is an intriguing idea about Anton returning. Is there a plot bunny there somewhere? I'll have to think about it.

11/07/2006 03:29 pm
I think it was perfect. I knew it was Giles but I did not know what he would do. I liked that he is the one that rescue Buffy. I can see that he will be more accepting of Spike because he will realise that Spike is not like any other vampire. Besides, they are not out of the woods yet and Spike can still be a hero.
Thanks for the perfect comment. But unfortunately I think not so much on either other point. I don't think Giles would be at all forgiving if he knew what had gone on between Buffy and Spike. Plus, I feel that he will now despise Spike more, for being unable to keep Buffy safe. Of course, Giles has NO IDEA what has been going on, or how much Anton had it in for the both of them, and of course Giles didn't really try to keep her safe at all, and sent her in there in the first place. And yo can be a hero even if you fail to accomplish your goal.

11/07/2006 01:15 pm
You gave just enough hints that I thought it might be Giles. They still have to get out, though. I'm thinking that's the rescuing job for Spike.
I am so sorry that the next chapter is going to perhaps disappoint those who want more Spike with the slayage. But as I said above, you can still be a hero even if you fail and/or don't have to slay anyone.

11/07/2006 10:35 am
Ta-da! Now you see him now you don't. An easy out for the disguting Anton, but who's complaining? I loved the little clues you left -- great fun.
Hey Lou. I agree Anton's demise seemed kinda fast and somewhat anticlimactic, but the whole point was it had to be fast, because if he had gotten any chance to retaliate, Anton would have killed them all.

11/07/2006 08:44 am
I would have prefered less hints. But the story is great either way!
thanks for your honesty. I've gotten a wide variety of answers on this question. Some readers were totally surprized, while others got it right off. Most I think fell somewhere in the middle.

11/07/2006 08:05 am
I did guess about Giles, when you mentioned the glass cleaning when Buffy was nude. I enjoyed the hints because I kept waiting to see when he would step in. BTW, I appreciate the lack of severe trauma to Buffy.
Thanks Tina. The glass cleaning seemed to be the major tip off for many readers. And I agree, I didn't want to let Buffy get harmed in any real serious way.

11/07/2006 07:10 am
I knew before you gave the hints :P I just had a sneaking suspicion after you said that Giles was using vamp glamour too.
Oh, so you caught it right away! It just didn't make sense to me that he would abandon them utterly to their own devices.

11/07/2006 06:06 am
i like it exactly as you wrote it...can't wait to see how they get out, the revelation (hopefully) of the backstory, and how buffy reacts to spike once it's all said and done (hopefully without violence...of the unwanted variety, anyway ;P) great update, love :)
Ah, DreamsofSpike! Backstory you say - yes, I shall attempt to clarify, and am heartened that you realize that there is one, and seem to have a good idea of what it is.

Randi Giles
11/07/2006 04:56 am
well color me stupid for reading with distractions. I totaly missed the clues, and i love little plot twists like that. Oh well that just gives me a reason to read it again. (I'd truly like to see a tweedy vampy Giles)
Well, the original authors described the character as a "jittery myopic vampire with a clipboard." Sounds like a Giles clone to me already. Please stay through until the end, and let me know if that comes as a surprise as well.

11/07/2006 04:21 am
I found this solution to be very satisfactory. I knew it was Giles from the tweed and comments about being uncomfortable, but I liked knowing that it wasn't totally hopeless. It would have seemed more unlikely for help to have literally appeared out of no where. Kudos!
Thanks. I try to avoid help out of nowhere situations - lets keep our fanfiction real folks!! Otherwise what is the point?

11/07/2006 03:34 am
I personally liked how you got rid of Anton. I guessed it was Giles because of the way he rubbed his glasses. I am glad that it did not go to far, I do not know how Buffy, Spike, Tara or Giles would recover from the horror that Anton wanted to expose Buffy to.
Of the lot of them, the only one with ANY clue is Spike. Buffy and Tara were under thrall and can't remember anything, and Giles was probably too distracted by his own inadequacies (in allowing things to go so far).

11/07/2006 02:55 am
Well, color me totally surprised! Looking forward to the next part. Which I assume will include Buffy being mortified at being chained and naked in Giles's presense. Poor Buffy. She's had a rough day.
Thanks msclawdia. I totally missed that and would have had Buffy running through the entire scene in her birthday suit! Your comments are so valuable.