Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Boy Meets Girl

12/28/2006 05:54 am
Yup, I so need to read VP. Putting Oscar and Liam on the back burner is just fine by me, alway's ready for some Spuffy lovin. Can't wait to get caught up, sorry it took this long. Great read, thanks.
VP could help explain things, but I'm glad you like this story enough to want to read the preceeding one. :) Thanks!

11/11/2006 03:44 am
wonderful read, thank you
You are so welcome!

11/07/2006 12:08 pm
I loved how family oriented this chapter was and the connection Buffy made realizing that Homer was Spike. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
So glad you enjoyed it. Spike and Buffy needed to hold each other.

11/07/2006 09:05 am
Powerful stuff.

Miss Rose
11/07/2006 07:38 am
Yay... For sweet Spuffyness! I'm so happy Spike and Buffy found this moment to reconnect, they certainly deserve it. Loved Buffy and Joni's talk. Great chapter! :)
They needed time to just be...if you know what I mean. I'm glad you liked the chapter.