Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 5.25

09/05/2007 01:56 am
So even Faith found someone, and I love Lily and the way she treated Spike.
Faith's found someone. The big question is whether he's a keeper... and, yeah, even Spike can't get his own way when it comes to Lily in mom mode.


11/14/2006 12:18 am
faith is definitely working off "her excess energy in the gym." excellent chapter, thank you.
Lol! Well, she'd been out and about for a while by this point. Seemed she was due for some relaxation.

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks again!

11/10/2006 01:10 am
wow, faith not in control...must be a bit of a new feeling for her as far as sex is concerned anyway...another excellent chapter :)
Lol! Well, Faith wasn't going to be on the loose for too long before she was looking for entertainment.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks, honey!