Getting All Chosen by msclawdia
Chapter: Interlude

06/07/2010 01:31 pm

01/24/2007 03:15 am
Didn't miss the plot at all.


12/20/2006 12:02 am
That was plot. Lovely plot filled with the two of them exploring their love for one another. And yeah for both of them. If only I had someone to teach me french like that!

Heh! Yes, it would be a nice form of tutoring :) Thanks.

12/19/2006 07:24 am
Wow! *fans self* So happy for them. I can so understand how he could feel that way. What he has with her is something that he'll never have with anyone else and he's very well aware of that fact. Holding on for what's to come. Wonderful read, thanks, MC.

Thanks! Glad it worked for you :)

11/17/2006 11:02 am
I enjoyed this interlude. :D I loved that Buffy told Spike that she loved him not only when she got home but later as well.

Thanks! I wanted to show that Buffy's more comfortable now, but maybe also that she'd got a real sense of how quickly you can lose someone.

11/17/2006 12:42 am
interludes more than welcome. vefy good read, thank you.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reviewing!

11/10/2006 06:56 pm
Oh, sneaky, calling it an interlude, then reminding us all of how it really went at the end of season seven. Let's leave Spike out of the raging sunlight this time, hmm? This story just keeps getting better and better.

Well, this is a different season seven, so you'll just have to stay tuned ;) Thanks for the feedback. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.

11/10/2006 04:16 am
I like how you added a bit of Bob Dylan in the chapter. He's a great poet, indeed. Keep the writing coming, I'll be waiting. Lol, thanks.

Thanks, so glad you liked it! I'm working on the next chapter now, so hopefully I won't keep you waiting too long :)

11/09/2006 09:27 pm
Who needs plot? That was lovely!
(Actually, plot is generally required, but little interludes are good, too.)

Hehe. Well, thanks. Glad I was able to get away with a temporarily losing the plot :)

11/09/2006 02:59 pm
Mmmm.. happy, hot, sweaty smut. yay!

Thank you! Always good to hear that the bedroom scenes didn't fall flat.

11/09/2006 02:16 pm
Never knock a nice bit of plotless happiness!

Thanks. Glad it was well received!

11/09/2006 03:37 am
Pfft! Who need plot?

Oh, Great use of Dylan my dear. He just came to my city! He is actually a performer now *gasp*

You got to see him? Jealous! My husband got to see him free once. I alas, have not had the priveledge. I'm so glad you liked it!

11/09/2006 02:19 am
Thinky smut good.

Loved seeing one of those silver necklaces draped over his bare has the sexiest collarbones ever....*swoon*

Thanks! Most men could not carry off the neckwear, but Spike managed somehow ;)

11/09/2006 01:21 am
awww....thanx so much for that, pet....that was so sweet and hot and sexy all at excellent job, love :)

Thanks! Glad I could successfully deliver :)

It's always a big relief to hear that a bedroom scene worked.

11/09/2006 12:35 am
A sweet little interlude. It's always nice to see them sharing a healthy relationship - even if Joss doesn't believe such things exist. LOL That's probably why Spike thinks things are going too well- lol

Thank you! I definitely want Buffy and Spike healthy, and in this story their relationship isn't as much the focus so I can let them be comfy for longer stretches. Doesn't mean it will be completely smooth sailing though :)

11/09/2006 12:17 am
Wow, that was some really good smut :D

Thanks! The sex scenes always make me so nervous, so that's great to hear.