Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 7.21

09/06/2007 02:59 am
Oh I hope everyone is okay, it would be ashame for Spike anya or Bee to die.
It would.


11/14/2006 07:16 am
tension, humor, beautifully done, thank you
Thank you!

11/11/2006 11:33 pm
okay, so....maybe bee's the one using the crystal thingy...but if it wipes out all the vamps around, isn't spike still in danger just being there? *bites nails* i'm suddenly very freaked out by that possibility...
Thanks, honey! Strangely enough there weren't many people who seemed to worry about that, completely logical as the conclusion is. I'm not sure whether it just failed to occur to them, or if they just trusted blindly in me to have worked out some "escape" plan for our favourite vamp, or maybe they realised exactly what I had done from Spike's heroics during the night attack on the school... but very few people seemed to pick up on it.

Thanks again, honey!