Angels and Demons by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 7.24

09/06/2007 03:27 am
I would guess so, Oh I love Cordy and Penny in this chapter and I wonder what the others will say with Quentin out.
Lol! Again I guess you know the answer to that by now...


11/14/2006 08:13 am
love cordy laying down the lay. also being able to read penelope so well. fun read, thank you.
Lol! Cordy really knows how to keep the Great Poof in line, amongst others.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks again!

11/12/2006 07:32 am
poor must suck being with someone that you know will always be just a little bit obsessed with someone else...another excellent chapter :)
Angel comes with some pretty hefty baggage, but unlike Buffy, Cordy is always prepared to give him a kick in the metaphorical ass when he deserves it, instead of sighing over how deep and complex he is. That's why their relationship has the potential to actually endure and I'm pretty certain Cordy knows that.

Thanks again, honey!