It Happened One Night by GoldenBuffy
Chapter: Chapter Ten: Somethings Come To Light

:-) :-) :-)
05/15/2010 02:44 pm

01/16/2008 07:06 am
second time reading and I am enjoying it just as much - It sure would have been nice to have a little nice exchange like this on the series.

09/27/2007 06:57 am
light,lovely banter to begin and end the excellent update (with angel and a vengeance demon sandwiched in between.) very good read, thank you
Glad you enjoyed that chapter, and thanks for a wonderful review!

09/18/2007 02:26 am
nice ending - hope things don't go all downhill from here for their developing relationship - Buffy better tell him soon -
Yeah, she needs to get off her butt and spill. But then again this is Buffy.

05/29/2007 05:54 pm
funny thing with reviews or comments - mostly people just don't give them feed back - I have had as many as over a thousand views on images without one signle comment backk -

I for one am very much enjoying this piece -
Yes, I try my best to leave a review to everything I read. I feel it's my little way of giving back to the person who has spent their time writing and sharing it with others. Glad you're still with me. ^_^

12/18/2006 04:23 am
What a fun time they're having together. I just love it! No way Angel's going to forget about it for long. I like hormonal Buffy. Dawn should remember about wishes and of course who grants them! Wonder if Clem's really going to keep his mouth shut, I'd love it if he told Spike while playing poker or watching TV. Great chapter, thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it. I don't know if Clem will slip up and tell, guess we'll have to wait and see. Anything with Buffy you know Angel won't forget. And Dawn needs to be careful.

12/04/2006 04:52 pm
*giggles* Sorry about that, luv, but I'm still working on the rest of the story. I hope to have an update soon, its just taking me longer to get the next chappie all polished up to send off to beta then update. But I am glad you're loving this story, your comment means a lot to me. Thanks. ^_^

11/28/2006 02:55 pm
Come on and tell him already!
Hee hee hee, she will. *wink*

11/24/2006 04:49 pm
Nice chapter, loving the bonding between Spike and Buffy.
Thanks, am pleased you're enjoying!

11/24/2006 10:41 am
I really enjoyed this entire chapter but I have to admit that when it dawned on Buffy that she allowed Giles and Xander to completely control her life I cheered. You gave her an insight that I was constantly wishing she would gain on the show. I also like that she realized the roll Willow played also. I love the way her relationship with Spike is evolving and that Buffy admitted to him that she considers him a friend and enjoys his company. I liked her running into Clem and how it showed how much she has changed with her attitude towards demons, she now realizes that they aren’t all evil and that some can be trusted. I also really like that she has decided to tell Spike the truth about the baby.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the chappie as well! Yes, Buffy realizing the rolls her friends and watcher play should have happened on the shoe *sigh*, so I just had to fix that,lol. Spike and Buffy's relastionship is slowly growing, but it's there, and soon things will finally fall into place. Her view on demons? Slowly changing. Thanks for the review hun!

11/21/2006 02:47 am
I really am injoyin this story. so can u plz finish it. its one of my favorite spuffy stories.
Glad that you're liking the story so far. An update is on the way, so hang tight. ^_^

11/15/2006 03:15 pm
can u plz plz plz write the rest of the story coz i seriously need to read the rest like .... if/when spike finds out about the baby!!!!!! so like get to the writing this story is SOOOO AWSOME ... besides whats up with Dawns new mate? seriously need to find out bout that one...
I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the story so much. Don't worry all will be answered in the next coming chapters as to who Trinity is and Spike find out about the baby. So sit back and I hope you continue to enjoy!

11/13/2006 05:01 pm
This story is lively and fun. Trinity, the new mystery, is maybe a vengeance demon? The growing closeness between Buffy and Spike is heartening as is the support Buffy is receiving from Joyce. Very enjoyable.
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. It pleases me greatly, you have no idea! ^_^ Can't give to much away about Trinity, let's just say her true self will come to light... soon. Happy Spuffy = nice!

11/13/2006 03:29 pm
Okay, Buffy better come up with a way to tell Spike and soon. I am glad though that she is taking a stand for being in control of her own life and is allowing Spike to be a part of it at least right now. And love Anya being invited to dinner. There is something odd about Trinity especially when asking about the wishes. And to have Clem keep her secret right now was just too cute. Love the chapter.
Yes, Buffy needs to get that cat out of her mouth,lol. Sitting on her tongue it is. Trinity, I think maybe she's up to something?

11/12/2006 11:57 pm
Great Chapter, I hope Spike finds out soon he's going to be a dad. You know everytime I read a fanfic were Spike gets Buffy pregnant I get the image of him asking her to marry him and telling her he won't let any child of his be born out of wed lock, because he is from the Victorian era. Oh I bet Spike faints when Buffy tells him he is the father of her baby hehe.
Yeah, Spike going all Victorian on her in regards to his unborn child. *giggles* Glad you enjoyed the update. Don't worry soon all things will come out and he'll learn the truth. Thanks for the review!

11/12/2006 07:40 am
great chapter.loved spike scaring buffy.
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it! Nothing like a little friendly scare in the dark,lol.

11/12/2006 04:53 am
Really have been enjoying this story. It's cute and different. I just can't wait until Spike finds out about the baby. He is going to find out soon, isn't he?
I'm gald you think it's cute and different, that's what I was aiming for. *g* And enjoying it is always good too! Yes, Spike is going to find out, and very very soon. It wouldn't be any fun if he never found out! Thanks for the review!

11/12/2006 12:13 am
Good Job. I loved this chapter.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review!

11/11/2006 11:02 pm
That was a very nice chapter. A very nice story overall too. I can't wait for more. And I really hope she tells him soon because Finding out by accident would be a bad thing I think. And now Angel's going to get involved? Like I said, can't wait for more.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the update and the story over all. All things will come to a head, the way it looks now he'll be finding out in chapter 12 (don't hold me to it though,lol). Angel's not to involved, just sniffing around a bit. Thanks for the review!

11/11/2006 03:38 pm
Great chapter. I'm glad to see Buffy getting closer to telling Spike. And to reclaiming her independence.

And do I smell a Vengeance Demon?
Me too, Buffy getting along with Spike is a happy Buffy. *sniff* *sniff* Vengeance demon? I don't know. We'll have to wait and find out! Thanks fir the review.

11/11/2006 12:29 pm
I'm really enjoying the interaction between Buffy and Spike. And Buffy's little epiphanies about her friends and Watcher manipulating her life.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Isn't it about time Buffy open her eyes to the truth? Thanks for the review!

11/11/2006 10:31 am
They have a great beginning to their relationship so far.
I know, isn't it sweet? ^__^ Thanks for the review!