Ring Around the Buffy - Conclusion by anaunthe
Chapter: Epilogue One

12/17/2006 12:58 am
Liked that you added how Giles got rid of the other vamps in Vegas and just how he did it. You know that as much as I loved that they were able to share this and Buffy opened up to him it also made me hate Angel even more then I thought possible. Fantastic chapter.
I thought it was important that someone saw things through to the end. Really, when you think about it, B/S was just a distraction to get Tara out - destroying the Ring Giles could have handled on his own.

11/23/2006 02:24 am
excellent read, thank you. always felt their was little difference between angel and angelus.
I was going to reply that Angel is a coward - but as I thought about it I realized that they both are. So, no, very little difference, except that Angel likes to believe (and convince others) that there is.

11/21/2006 07:38 am
When I finished reading this chapter I waited a bit before posting a review. I needed a bit of time to ponder and reflect. This chapter is moving and sad but shocking and infuriating. It also makes me love Spike's humanity even more and it makes Buffy look compasiontate.
Lynda, I like the moving and sad, and get the shocking (although I did do some foreshadowing), but am not sure what it is that infuriates you. And yes, upon reflection, it does make Buffy look compassionate, but I don't think she is incapable of it- just that she rarely remembers to feel it - but then, she was just literally inside Spike's head, so that might make it easier.

11/16/2006 01:25 pm
Hmm - intriguing explanation for why Spike hates Angel/Angelus so much, and the fact that it may have been Angel is a great twist. Good job.
Thanks slaymesoftly. I know we have had this disucssion on the tag. My opinion is that Angel must have more to feel guilty about than what what Angelus did. This is just one example - next case in point 100 years of doing absolutely nothing to help anyone (except for a brief period in WWII, but he was blackmailed into that).

11/15/2006 04:35 pm
Good chapter. I am sure that Spike's assessment of Angel is correct. I think he should tell Buffy.
Yeah, he probably should, but he won't. His wanting to spare Buffy's feelings, combined with the fear that he might not be believed - I think its about the same mix that keeps him from going to Buffy after he returns to Wolfram & Hart.

11/15/2006 10:40 am
I hope Buffy sees through Spike's reticence and realises what an absolute git Angel is!
I think she does, eventually.

11/15/2006 09:44 am
Ohhhhh. Good.
Thanks hotlipedjen.

11/15/2006 05:05 am
Like I needed anymore reason to hate the poofter...
NO truer words have been spoken.

11/15/2006 04:08 am
oh man...that's about what i figured, love...poor spike...i really hate angel...grrr...how terrible to do something like that to his own family...i'm glad buffy's being kind to him about it...excellent chapter, love, looking forward to the end :)
Thanks Dreams. Glad you picked up on it, and weren't surprised. I think we are all Angel bashers here. At least Angelus was upfront about being a self-serving bastard.