Living Vengeance by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Late Night Conversations

01/07/2007 08:36 am
You continue to amaze me, Ariel. Using Buffy instead of The First to pull Spike away. No one better to take care of Dawn, then her grandfather, against the Immortal. Another great chapter, thanks.
Aww you are too sweet!

12/04/2006 10:15 pm
love buffy's reasoning that led to “I just hope she finds out about him by herself.” very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you are enjoying the fic!

11/26/2006 11:12 am
Great update!

11/26/2006 12:28 am
I felt so sorry for Buffy in the beginning, with the whole Spike always leaving her business, but when they got together I was doing a small Snoopy dance.
Lovely story, looking forward to the next chapter.
I'm so glad you like!

11/25/2006 11:14 pm
Am pleased that Spike will be no where near the hellmouth when it goes up. But something tells me that Ms. AD will have Spike in the Hellmouth and Buffy watchign him go up in a flammy death then dust. *SOBS* LOL, great updated!
Am I that cruel? No, Spike won't be wearing the amulet, because he doesn't have a soul in this fic.

11/25/2006 08:54 pm
Interesting changes to those events. You've been creative about making all those canon moments your own.

Oooo, so who's wearing the amulet now? Will it be Angel?
Descisions as to who is wearing the amulet will be made in the next few chapters. Thanks so much for your kind words.