Love Sanctioned by slaymesoftly 11/14/2007 01:15 am Ok, I love me some Faith. But, I hope she's a good girl in this one. *sigh* LOL - she skates along the edge, but she comes through. :) 01/15/2007 08:10 am So Spike's not far away in LA, Buffy and Faith are getting along and Wesley's on his way. I liked Wesley, surely Giles would have been the same way if he hadn't turned to the dark magic's and become "Ripper". Speaking of Giles, he needs to get a grip. Spike loves Buffy and he know's it. Excellent beginning to this last in the series, thanks. Thanks. I hope you continue to like it. 12/02/2006 04:07 am great start to this section of the tale. really like the beginning of understanding between faith and buffy. Thanks! Lou 11/29/2006 10:34 pm I like how such a small circumstance could so change Faith's prospects. You never know how much difference a bit of kindness or respect might make in someone's life. I'd like to think Faith would respond well to it. 11/29/2006 09:32 pm I could fuck up a one-man parade. SNORT.....my God!!!! I'm Faith!!!!!!!! You have no idea how glad I am to see this new continuation. You have to chain up the muse to keep putting out more of this. I reread the previous parts and remembered just how wonderful the whole is (and the individual parts for that matter). A really good fic is as much a pleasure on a reread as the first time and this qualifies. This portion looks to continue that tradition. Nice view of Faith at the beginning. Keep it coming, hon. Kathleen my God!!!! I'm Faith!!!!!!!! ROFL - aren't we all, at times? :) I'm so glad you like this series, and how sweet of you to say so. More soon. sirc 11/29/2006 06:53 pm Woohoo!! A new chapter :D Loved it! LOL - yep, new chapter, new story - end of series. More soon. Pin 11/29/2006 05:11 pm Nice start. This gives me an excuse to go back and read the previous sections while you get this one going. Thanks! Thanks for reading! I hope you continue to like it. golddrake 11/29/2006 03:09 pm great start thanks! pretty_in_fangs 11/29/2006 01:40 pm I am so happy to see a first chapter to this story. It just makes my morning. And I like the idea of Faith seeing herself as the good guy and Buffy the bad. It's a nice twist. Thank you so much for saying so. And, yeah, it's not like Faith started out evil - she was trying to be a slayer and do her job. I hope you like the rest of it. 11/29/2006 12:41 pm i love the camaraderie between buffy and faith in this chapter, so happy that you've started posting it :) Thanks - I hope you like it. Shanna 11/29/2006 04:54 am Le squee!!!! So happy to see this chapter up and knowing more will follow. If you need to frighten your Muse...I'll send my kids over to your place for a stay. **weg** LOL Shanna 11/29/2006 04:51 am Le squee!!!! So happy to see this chapter up and knowing more will follow. If you need to frighten your Muse...I'll send my kids over to your place for a stay. **weg** Hee hee! No, no - that's okay. Thanks anyway. *tiptoes away to lock the doors quickly* :) kim 11/29/2006 03:45 am I like the better bonding between Buffy and Faith. The girl needed somewhere to belong. Even a little honest affection. Buffy sticking to the whole jealous tangent didn't serve either of them well, and made it easier for Faith to accept the Mayor's proposal. I'm very glad to see more of this series! Yeah - I'd like to think that they were capable of bonding a bit better. I tiny bit more friendliness on Buffy's part, a smidgen less defensiveness on Faiths... Thanks for reading. 11/29/2006 03:25 am First chapter and I'm hooked. Interesting start can't wait for more. Thanks! I'll have to stretch it out until I'm sure the muse is being scared into submission. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |