Living Vengeance by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Now that is just weird

01/07/2007 10:12 am
Poor Spike, can't let himself to believe that she's back. Not to figure out how to yet all solid again. Excellent chapter Ariel, thanks.
Thanks for reading!

01/07/2007 10:09 am
Poor Spike, can't allow himself to believe that she's back. To bad Anya can't help but that's still alot more to do. The Immortal isn't stupid, he must see the resemblance to her grandmother. Maybe there's been too many women in his life to remember her. Not to find spike so he know's she's back. Excellent chapter, Ariel.

12/20/2006 06:05 am
ooooo, need more. can't wait to see what happens next.

12/18/2006 06:51 pm
Well well well. I am just glad that Buffy is back in some type of form. And to have Spike really taking care of Dawn was great. Love the choice of them moving the Dru's house. No one and I mean no one would look for them there. A little odd that Liz is not making more of a presence in their lives but she really didn't know how to take care of Dawn and Spike can. I just hope that Buffy can make contact with them so that they know she is back. Love the chapter.
Thanks so much for the review. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about Liz and her not wanting to take care of Dawn. Though I did not write an explaination for her decision to allow Spike continue his guardianship of Dawn, Liz's decision has to do with The Immortal and the danger of having both Liz and Dawn in the same place.

12/18/2006 04:31 am
buffy, not only has no substance,(no pun intended) but has angel and dru for company. evil chapter, but an awful lot of fun. thanks for the great read.
Thanks for reading!

12/17/2006 12:23 pm
Yay, Buffy is back. Now all we have to do is get her solid again.
Great chapter. Hope you update soon.

12/17/2006 03:38 am
I had a feeling the poor woman would end up at W&, I'm wondering, in this realm of things, why Angel took the deal? did he still have the whole Connor-Jasmine situation? Also really curious about Dru's life since becoming human. What does Angel have her do all day?

Oooo, and Spike can feel her!!! Anya needs to spread the word, but discreetly. And Liz doesn't have anything to do with Dawn anymore, but phone calls, and is dating the Immortal? Shallow bitch....
Unfortunately, as I've been writing a Buffy centric fic, I don't think you get the answers to those questions.

And as for Liz she has her own reasons for letting Spike be the guardian, and I think you'll like the outcome of that little scenario.