Blood of My Blood by Blood Faerie
Chapter: Chapter Four

01/18/2007 09:10 am
Liked the tub time fun
thank you

12/29/2006 04:16 am
Love this story!! Please update soon.
I just did! ^.^

12/28/2006 02:18 am
The dream was ooky and oh no! Willow!
thank you

12/27/2006 03:27 am
Well this should be interesting to hear. Wondering what brought Willow there after all this time? A locator spell I'd guess. Now to explain everything to them all, since it's doubtful that Willow will leave her with the feral vamp. Hope you'll be posting soon again, I just love this even if things start to change once Giles gets involved or maybe Willow will just do some recon for her once she see's that Buffy's not in any danger from Spike and leaves them there. Great fic, thanks. Hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
I'll try to hurry with the next chapter ^.^

12/26/2006 12:20 pm
wow this story is good, hope you update soon
thank you! ^.^

12/26/2006 06:20 am
Love the story so far when are you planning on updating it next?
As soon as I can finish another chapter, hehe

12/24/2006 07:30 am
another fantastic read, thank you. buffy was just about to leave the banks of the nile,at least temporarily, and here's... willow! fun read.
heehee, thank you

12/24/2006 06:58 am
This is lovely. Thanks for helping me pass time hiding from family :D Can't wait for more
thank you ^.^

12/24/2006 06:07 am
So Willow got out of the hospital? That was excellent. I didn't think that anyone would find her for awhile. It is kinda weird that Willow was at the mansion anyway. Lovely chapter. Looking forward to more.
thank you

12/24/2006 04:04 am
Willow always did have the worst sense of timing in the world. Of course, with Spike intent on getting Buffy pregnant, maybe it was for the best - not! Hope you update soon - can't wait for Buffy's conversation with Willow. :)
Guess they'll be trying to get Willow out of there ASAP

12/24/2006 12:27 am
oh no...what willow must think!! "tarzan" wonderful chapter that made me laugh out loud, love :)
*Documentary voice* And that was when little Willow realized she was a dike... lmao

12/23/2006 10:10 pm
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the next chappie soon!! i loved this one and i can NOT wait to see what willow has to say about 'Tarzan'
me either! *bounces*

12/23/2006 07:45 pm
Just wanted to say that I'm loving this story. I think Tarzan might be faking the feral act a little now, or at least coming out of it. He seems more and more Spike, which yay!! Can't wait to see what's going to happen with Willow. Please, no intervention! Egypt, it's so lovely around the holidays.
nah, you must have missed how drinking her blood is helping him heal

12/23/2006 07:27 pm
Definitely enjoying this story so far. It's an intriguing concept for this old Johnny Weismuller fan. Can't wait to see what Willow ( and possibly others?) think re this turn of events!
Thank you ^.^

12/23/2006 06:59 pm
This is soooo good! Had to be someone stop the loving, huh? I can hardly wait for the next installment. Absolutely love the visual in my head of naked Spike. Thank you.
yes, lets all take a moment and drool *droooool*

12/23/2006 05:06 pm
what a cute story! I absolutely adore feral!spike! :)
Thank you! ^.^

12/23/2006 05:02 pm
Uh oh! Can't wait to hear this explanation...:)
Me either *sighs and holds head*

12/23/2006 02:51 pm
I wonder what they will tell Willow.
Nice chapter, please update soon.
thank you and i'll try

12/23/2006 02:44 pm
The dream scene worked very well.
I'm glad you say that cause I was like "weeeird"

12/23/2006 02:34 pm
Hmm interesting how versions of the dream became reality. You have to love Spike for comforting her when she had the bad dream. Not to mention admiting that he is only feeding from animals because he knows she doesn't want him to kill people. He really is just the cutest thing ever! Of course the fact that they were making out so intensely meant that one of the scooby gang had to show up and ruin the moment. Hopefully things with Willow will go good enough to keep Spike from going feral on her for upseting his mate.
yeah and glad it was willow and not someone worse, lol

12/23/2006 07:38 am
Thank God that Willow was the Scooby to show up. Xander or Giles would go on the attack, only Giles might actually hurt Spike!
Yup, thats why I chose her ^.^

12/23/2006 07:25 am
Glad to see Willow's out of the hospital. It's also nice to know that he's not killing people while feeding--I don't know if Buffy could ever get over the guilt.
Yeah, Tarzan knows that too ^.^

12/23/2006 07:25 am
ROFL, you and your mental pictures of a naked Spike. Not that naked Spike is a bad thing, just him going as Tarzan all I can think of is him swinging from the trees,lol. Loved the update. Stupid Willow, messing up the lovin, darn. Wonder what she's there to talk about and will Buffy still stay with Spike? Can't wait for more.
Mmmm, still haven't thought of a way to get him into a buttflap... *sigh*...

12/23/2006 07:22 am
oh no! too soon to be caught, but he he he embarrassed though. good update.
thank you and it had to happen eventually, lol