Seven Days by TwilightChild
Chapter: Day 5

03/04/2007 07:59 am
Aww... I liked her answer - "We're real" and I liked her reason for making the wish, to give him a better memory. But I wonder if he'll remember this afterwards, what with him being dead and all, or if only she will... (it kind of makes me think of "I Will Remember You" where only Angel remembers)

12/28/2006 07:25 pm
That was painfully brutally sad. Really hope this has a happy ending.

12/28/2006 02:20 am
well, he dealt with that pretty well..i'm as relieved as she is i think....lovely update, looking forward to your next :)

12/27/2006 07:40 pm
This is the saddest chapter....they BOTH know the time limit now. well written, hon. Looking forward to more (and hoping for a happy ending after all).


12/27/2006 02:44 pm

12/27/2006 10:28 am
Of course he came back? What else could he do? He loves her with all that he is and now he know's she feels the same way. Hate that I'm caught up now, but I hope you'll be updating again soon. Thank you for this wonderful fic TC.

12/27/2006 08:11 am
I love the characterization in this. I can see raging Spike and remorseful Buffy and the context is right instead of forced.