Every Night, I Save You by The Space Between
Chapter: (¯`•._.CH2 - Dark Rivers of the Heart - II._.•´¯)

01/23/2007 12:03 am
I had to wipe my eyes after reading this. Absolutely heart breaking. From Spike's meltdown at having Buffy's blood on his hands, to Dawn's complete shutdown, to Anya and Tara trying to help, it was all just wonderfully written. The pain and agony of everyone, but particularly Spike, Dawn and Anya was moving. The repeated refrain of Buffy in both Dawn and Spike, and the fact that he was able to reach her so she could begin crying shows how lost they both feel without the person they loved the most there.
Thank you very much Deb. Unfortunately the biggest tear-jerker chapter is in coming...well at least for me. I got all teary writing it. Just kinda hit close to home a bit.

I'm glad you're liking the story thus far.

01/10/2007 04:23 am
another beautifully written, so sad, chapter. thank you. anya's emotions were extremely well done. [anya being one of the abused (misused) characters in canon.]
Thank you Vladt! I agree! Anya is not written enough! I'll see to that as soon as I'm over my WillOz obsession...

...or not as I'm just waaaaay too into WillOz so maybe I'll write some drabbles around Anya in a first person type thing like I've been doing for Oz ^^

01/09/2007 05:29 pm
Good Spikeness. He's such a sloppy drunk.
HA! You'd think he could hold his liquor better with the crazy metabolism and all^^

01/08/2007 03:29 pm
Okay...well now I'm crying. My God, you just do an amazing job with their emotions. I can't just read any of this story; I experience this story. :)
Awww... I should really post tissue warnings. Thank you for the compliments even though they came by the way of tears. :)

01/08/2007 01:13 pm
This is so sad. :( You're doing an amazing job of making me feel everyone's pain. Loved the chapter. Can't wait to read more!
Thank you very much :) There is a WHOLE summer full of stuffies we don't know about and that always made me wonder. I'm kind of tempted to do a whole Summer series, showing all of the stuffies they alluded to in between seasons.

01/08/2007 10:29 am
*sniffle* thats so sad... you really express their grief well...
Thanks hun :)

01/08/2007 10:20 am
Heartrending. You captured the numbness of bereavement perfectly. Spike is much better off at Revello than Willy's.
Thank you. I can only write from what I know and sadly, I know this kind of pain.

01/08/2007 08:39 am
Oh wow, this is fantastic. So powerful and emotional that I'm crying like crazy right now. I love it and can't wait for more.
Thanks so much :) Sorry about the tissue factor. I promise it will get a bit easier as we go along. It will still have its tissue moments, but it wont be as anguished.

01/08/2007 05:14 am
Spike and Dawn need each other so much. It was nice to hear Anya's feeling's towards Buffy, it's rare that it was mentioned, the trust and respect they had for one another. How beautifully you are writing this emotional fic. Excellent chapter, Space.
Thanks Verda :) It wasn't always easy with the two of them. They had Xander in common and other than that, they didn't really mesh. Anya was very much rooted in reality whereas Buffy loved to live in denial. That and they were both headstrong and spoke their mind so it doesn't always go over well. I do think there was a mutual respect for the roles they did play and of course there had to be a whole lot of trust because more often then not, their lives depended on it.

01/08/2007 04:32 am
Yeah, you've got the grief right.*sniff*

I like the clarity that comes upon both Spike and Dawn when they need each other.

Tara being the most together makes sense...she's been through this before, knows what helps. And Anya's part was perfect, as well.
I've always thought there was more to them than what we saw on the show. A lot of the time, he and Dawn connected much more than he and Buffy. I tend to think that Spike fulfills the male role in Dawn's life. Not so much a father figure, (that's kinda more Gilles-ish) but someone to learn the truth about how guys are and how they think, whereas Dawn fills the empty spot in Spike's heart left over from the death of his little sister.

01/08/2007 03:39 am
Even tougher scenes. I think that you put a lot of thought into each person's reactions. Oh, and I forgot to say earlier, how much I like your Anya.
Thanks! Anya is a good person to write. You just have to use a bit less tact and add a dash of quirk and a hidden layer of vulnerability.