Love Sanctioned by slaymesoftly 11/14/2007 02:24 am Ooohh... a battle of the bigger wrinklies. *grin* And look who's on top! ^_~ Was there a doubt? sirc 03/05/2007 06:58 pm Great chapter :D Thanks! 01/27/2007 09:05 am Oops, Faith almost stepped in and ruined everything. She's got a habit of doing that, doesn't she? Can't help but wonder if she'll stir up trouble because of it. She might try... Lou 01/27/2007 12:51 am All good friends and jolly good company? :) 01/16/2007 07:00 am very good update, thank you. loved both the scene with spike/buffy and joyce, and spike beating faith. Thanks. I hope you continue to like it. 01/15/2007 11:20 am Yup, the master's back in town and he's the big bad, what a great cover. Damn, Faith almost ruined everything, good thing that Spike think's on his feet. Thanks for having Giles call Joyce, I didn't want for her to worry. Glad he finally dusted the ho bag, Buffy doesn't need to see all that. Trick must not of gotten close to the slare or he'd been able to smell Buffy on him. Great work now, so I'm not to proud to beg for more updates, thanks. Hmmm - smelling Buffy on him - damn! that's a bit of a plot hole there. Thanks for letting me know (and very tactfully, I might add. :). I guess we'll have to assume that Trick never got that close or that Spike snuck in a shower? Rats! I hate when I do that...create unfixable holes in a fic that's already posted. Opal 01/15/2007 12:33 am This is getting very interersting. I can't wait for the next update. thanks - only one more chapter is actually completed, so updates may be a bit spotty for awhile. Depends on how much time to write that I get at work and if I can tear the muse away from the Prologue/I Know You sequel. jo 01/14/2007 10:50 pm i can't begin to tell yu how much i love your Spuffy stories. Your by far one of the top te. Not only is this story great , but i have'nt read one of yours that i absolutely did'nt love. Thank you so much. What a very kind thing to say. *hugs* Lou 01/14/2007 03:37 pm Oooh tough guy Spike making his mark! Nice chapter. Thanks! Cas 01/14/2007 03:21 pm Plot thickens. Didn't expect him to dust poor Mitzi though. Maybe just get her drunk and passed out so she can't remember what happened (or didn't happen). Well, poor Mitzi is a vampire and in a position to blow the whole thing out of the water. And this Spike is not that far removed from his original evil self. 01/14/2007 09:09 am i love this chapter ... i love the fight with faith, and the little verbal show down with trick...excellent chapter :) Thanks! 01/14/2007 08:00 am Loved this chapter. Now I'm wondcering if Faith really believed Spike or does she think he's trying to play them, and will Buffy believe her fellow sister slayer or her mate? Can't wait for more. We'll have to see, won't we? Could get interesting. 01/14/2007 07:06 am Love the meeting between Faith and Spike....so clever of our boy in how he got out of that mess. I really am enjoying this story and happy to read the update. Kathleen Thanks, sweetie. I'm glad you're liking it. Updates have been a slow process on this one, I'm afraid. 01/14/2007 06:49 am Oooo, I love to see Spike do covert ops....so sexy when he's playing evil. Very nice of Joyce not to throw a fit. so sexy when he's playing evil. Oh? As opposed to when he's doing anything else? ROFL. Thanks, sweetie! 01/14/2007 06:11 am Sigh, I love Big Bad/Secretly Good Spike so much. Also, totally loving this story, thanks so much for writing it! Thanks so much for reviewing. I'm glad you are liking it. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |