Back In The Game by Kimber
Chapter: Chapter Two

01/22/2007 03:15 am
The immortal's name is Nick? and he want's to take over the world as well? Hope he say's something about Spike to her. It will at least renew her pain in his loss. Remember what he means to her. Hope there's evidence to prove Spike's innocence. Hopefully they won't be all spread around the world. Don't like it when I'm trying to follow ten or more different people around the world and the PTB, too! Good chapter, thanks.

01/16/2007 08:30 pm
glad to see somethings never change. hope xander crosses paths wtih the demon, we know he would not be found worthy. very good read, thank you.

01/15/2007 03:33 pm
Interesting how everyone's reactions differ so much. I can't wait to see what happens to Xander and the demon in Africa, I always thought that was a too little explored thread left dangling.