Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 29

12/28/2007 03:56 pm
Oh so very, very good. :D
Thank You.

03/27/2007 08:23 pm
Wow! Hot! hot! hot!
on fire

02/14/2007 01:44 pm
Love it

01/28/2007 04:45 am
Fantastic story! My heart was racing when Buffy and Spike faced Hammond and his army of demons! Such an great story line, can't wait to see where Spike and Buffy go from now, and what will happen to Angelus!
I'm glad you are enjoying it. Thank you for reviewing.

01/16/2007 07:18 am
appetizer, soup, main course, don't know if i can handle dessert? excellent read, thank you.
You are welcome.

01/15/2007 03:05 pm
again with the evil and you leaving it like that we need more please i will bribe if need be
ask my mother... I was born evil

01/15/2007 12:59 pm
that was good!! i need a cold shower. more please.
*grin* you and me both hun.

01/15/2007 08:01 am
Very hot, lovely shapter.
Thank You

01/15/2007 06:06 am
Damn, that was some hot hard sex, hee hee hee. Me liked very much.
happy to please.

01/15/2007 04:43 am
Hee-hee What lovely smut. And you didn't leave them hanging this time! ;)

Great update!
Nope... no hanging... I think I kinda killed em... le petie morte

01/15/2007 04:27 am
Yummy chapter! Gotta say you do write some excellent Spuffy love scenes... fantastic update! :D
Thanks babe. *grin*