A New Day by Joyful Dayz
Chapter: Chapter 4 - The Potetentials, et al

05/27/2007 06:02 am
OH man ... Xander has to be even more of an idiot. {wants to slap him silly} Wood is being an arse too, but at least Wood has a bit more of a reason. Either way ... they both need to just stop. Excellent chapter. I fear what is going to happen now.
Thank you. Heh heh heh...

02/09/2007 10:56 pm
Well, Spike DID kill the slayer in the 40s in Pretty Maids All in A Row. That book also had a theme of trying to kill off all the potentials.

I like the way you have Xander and Wood bonding in this chapter. There should have been more of that in canon what with the both of them being so obsessive.
Thank you. I think so too, about Xander and Wood. :)
I haven't read Pretty Maids All in a Row. I'll have to look it up.

01/20/2007 10:48 pm
okay, you grabbed my attention. Now when are you going to update?
lol, I had planned to update last Friday, but an interloper tried to horn its way into the story, and I had to promise it a fic of its own before it would shut up and let me post this one the way I wanted. :P I spent the weekend angsting, but Ch 5 is in beta now, so I'm hoping she'll get it back to me tonight and I can get it up tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!

01/19/2007 03:40 am
Can't believe Spike killed more than two slayers, unless it was a trick of some kind that he couldn't brag about. Looking forward to evil Xander and Robin plot.
Thank you. Heh, a twist I hadn't thought of. Another story spun off this one, hence my delay in posting ch 5 that I planned on last week, though Ch 5 is in beta now, so shouldn't be much longer. I like the idea of an evil Xander and Robin plot - I think I'll add it there. Thanks for the bunny!

01/18/2007 06:45 am
So Spike killed more then just two slayer's? wow, he really was a bad ass and Xander should have been scared. Of course he'd call Angel, just got to keep the the pot stirred. I am looking forward to seeing his face when he's told about Spike and that it's true love for them. Guess the only way for Buffy to be totally alone and for Spike to comfort, as Joss needed, was for her to be rejected by all of them. Hated it too, but it worked for what he wanted. Great story, thanks.
Thank you! I really appreciate your comments! I love your take on Xander having to keep the pot stirred, exactly! Actually, I thought the scene with Spike comforting Buffy was the most beautiful scene in the entire series...I just wish they had found a different reason than betrayal by her friends for him to do it. :)

01/18/2007 06:28 am
Great to see how the others reacted. Ohh, and exciting, Xander calling Angel.
Thanks so much! I appreciate your comment. More coming tonight or tommorow...

01/18/2007 12:32 am
*grabs Xander and shoves his head into a wall. Looking at the unconsious body at my feet* dumbass, you deserve it. *looks up* AWESOME writing, really brings the story to life and makes you want to hurt stupid boys with jealous hearts.
Can't wait to read more! Keep up the good work,
Thank you so much! You've made my day! Chap 5 is coming tonight or tomorrow, Peaches comes roaring in in ch 6 in a few days. :)

01/17/2007 09:24 pm
should be fun to have the poof added to the mix. very good read, thank you.
Thank you! The poof has a long way to travel, so doesn't arrive until chap 6. Five coming tonight or tommorow. :)

01/17/2007 06:31 pm
This is an interesting take on season seven. Will be watching for updates. Really want to see how you deal with Angel in the middle. Thank you.
Thank you! Chap 5 is coming tonight or tommorow. Angel is in chap 6. :)

01/17/2007 04:43 pm
I can't wait for the appearance of the Great and Mighty Poofter! I'm really enjoying this different take on the end of Season 7. Can't wait for more.
Thank you so much! He's coming in chap 6. :)