Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire by wolf116
Chapter: Snot or Puke Green

01/27/2007 05:46 pm
I read all the story so far tonight and find myself intrigued with this odd hospital and the introduction of familiar characters. I have many questions, and am hoping to see answers in due time.
Thank you, I was inrrigued so much by the thought of the story I wrote most of it on my beach vacation,which really didn't go over well with my husband. It was one of those ideas that just wouldn't go away.

All questions will be answered in due time.

01/27/2007 08:50 am
aww....i like this....i feel such a sympathy for them, in this very sad sort of place, but still happy together...excellent work :)
Thank you, so much.

I feel sympathy cause they have to live in a snot green room. At least they aren't on the really psycotic floor.

Mostly they're just happy that they're together, and they hate having to be in this place.

01/27/2007 05:30 am
Ewww... snot colored walls, gross!But I guess as long as Spike comes with the room who cares! ;)Loved the playful Spuffyness, and the kissage at the end of the chapter! Great update!
You know hospitals are always decorated with the worst colors, so snot green was an appropriate color to chose. I believe I could stand any color of room if Spike were sitting in it.

Kissage, AHH! finally some snogging.

01/27/2007 02:09 am
Fore play is a must! Slutty nurse! Glad Buffy "stalked" her claim to him. Spike having to remember to breath was a giggle. Thank you for updating this so soon again, hopefully five days a week, as you wanted. Definately put the beds together, give them more room. Great chapter.
Sex wouldn't be any good without the foreplay. Nurse is just as horny as the two patients.

Stalked? He He.

If computer problems would quit with being annoying, I wouldn't have so much trouble with updating.

Thanks for the review.