All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Heart Strings

08/28/2008 01:26 am
I always wondered why Spike was the only one to try to save Buffy in the end there.  And another thing - why does Xander never get any crap for summoning Sweet? At least one guy died from the dancing thing and it was his fault.  Stupid Xander.

Anyway, love the story so far.
Yeah--there were a lot of things in season six that were glossed over for the convenience of the Scoobies, and were therefore never addressed.

Glad you liked it so far though :D

02/25/2008 12:17 am
Buffy's pointless denial -- never liked it anyway
Buffy's admittance of her chance with Spike -- loved it
Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece:)
No problemo--glad you liked it :)

02/25/2007 03:03 pm
Really hoping this doesn't go the way of the show.
No, there were too many scenes that irked me. However, it will stay pretty close to canon.

02/19/2007 08:43 am
Liked the extra words that you added to the song. Like this kinder and a little more gentle Buffy but I won't be holding my breath for long. Thanks, it was really good. Now for the last update.
Yea- I think we all knew that Spike didn't want her to really leave him alone. I think that my version may have been a bit more... honest.

02/17/2007 06:17 am
very good read, thanks.
Thank you for reviewing. Hope to see you in the chapters to come :D

02/17/2007 03:01 am
oh i so love this version of season six so much better than the original...buffy's being so much sweeter, and doing better too, because of her friendship with spike...excellent work :)
Aww shucks... thanks. I hope you like the chapters to come as well :D

02/15/2007 05:06 pm
I really like this! You are playing the emotional Spuffy very well.

Please continue soon! :)
Thanks Jenna- I hope you like the rest as well. Just waiting on my chapter approvals :D

02/15/2007 04:19 pm
Great chapter. I just hope Buffy acts like a bitch afterwards.
Wait, you want her to be bitchy? Well okay, that's sort of expected :)