Chirality by yutamiyu
Chapter: IX

08/26/2008 08:39 am
I really love this story... it's better than I remembered it (read my chapter 1 comment)

08/04/2007 04:13 pm
Lovely chapter - Your Buffy is like a combination of Tara's inner beauty and Buffy filtered through the experience of 50 years of life - there is such a sense of "potential for wisdom" and all the goodness that it can bring to life - Sometimes I wish that the series Buffy had not been touched with such "Hardness;" that effected her heart, all the Black & White mentality. Of course, then We would not have had all that great "journey of spirit and growth" that was such a vital part of last two seasons; her rite of passage into the underworld, both physically and metaphorically, and the final resurrection/integration/heroes "rite of passage."

Hope that you do complete this piece - I would hate for it to join the rank of "abandoned" as so many of the Buffyserse ff works have.

02/16/2007 08:31 pm
Poor Buffy can't do anything right; Spike's oddly confused Their awkward interaction is completely believable -- excellent chapter.
I think it would be extremely awkward between them at that point in time. Thanks for the review!

Kim Adams
02/05/2007 10:39 am
Beautiful chapter and love this story :) I love the tentative awkwardness between those two but of course, Buffy still afraid to express her feelings. Can't wait for the reactions of the scoobies and to find out what is going on with Spike...could he have a soul...I will read the next chappie and see.
Ahh. I have to write Scooby reactions. I'm toying with the idea of shipping them off to Tahiti for an extended vacation. :P I'm glad you're enjoying the story!

01/31/2007 02:32 pm
Really great. Thanks for writing.

01/30/2007 12:15 pm
I love nervous!Buffy lol. Lovely exchange between them, even with the awkwardness, or possbily even more so because of it. I'm looking forward to seeing what Willow's spell uncovers.
Thanks! Glad you're still liking my story!

01/30/2007 05:55 am
I just love this fic. I keep thinking that maybe Spike has his soul now - that maybe that's what feels "wrong" to him. But then again, maybe not. lol I really like the way you have Buffy so tentative and unsure about letting Spike know how she feels. It fits the mood of this fic perfectly. Can't wait to see the outcome of Willow's spell - not to mention her and the other scoobies' reaction to Spike's mysterious return.
As I've told other reviewers, I'm not saying a thing about what's wrong with Spike -- we're going to find out in the next chapter anyway. :) And don't worry; we'll find out more about Buffy's feelings in the next chapter, too.

01/30/2007 05:40 am
If this is a rush job, please make them all rushed! It was wonderful. And Buffy's such a coward. A soul? Is that want's different about him? Can't wait for Willow or Tara to see his aura and know he has it. Hope you can update this again soon.
::grin:: Hopefully the muse will be as kind to me now as she's been over the last week or so. And I'm not saying a thing about what's wrong with Spike -- we're going to find out in the next chapter anyway.

01/29/2007 11:29 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.I think Spike brought a soul back with him!
You'll have to wait and see! I'm not revealing a thing. :)

01/29/2007 10:09 pm
I love this story and I look forward to your update. I really like this parallel universe and I wonder how long it will take Buffy to admit her feeling.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Don't worry; Buffy's feelings will be addressed in the next chapter. :)

01/29/2007 06:23 pm
I like this kinder, gentler Buffy. Looking forward to seeing what the Willow's diagnostic spell says (if it's anything at all useful).
I'm a big fan of the "actually conceivable that her character is like this" S6 Buffy. :P

01/29/2007 06:20 pm
wow, it was very well done, quickly written or not :P very sweet, awkward interactions between them....wonder what's different about spike?? looking forward to reading more :)
It usually takes me several sittings to write a chapter; I wrote this in one two-hour sitting...including me switching to watching random things on YouTube. :P ::grin:: We'll find out what's wrong with Spike in the next chapter...though isn't it obvious? :P

01/29/2007 04:51 pm
You write the interaction between Buffy and Spike really well, sort of awkward but kind of familiar in a way. Can't wait to see everyone elses reactions to Spike being back and Willow's spell.
Thanks so much! I think at this point they'd be VERY awkward around each other; I'm glad people are agreeing.

01/29/2007 04:47 pm
Please update asap. This fanfic is great, one of the best i've read in a while, and i suddenly feel like a junkie in the need of a fix, i can't wait to read the next chapter. Kudos to you Kutamiya for making me feel like a
Wow! Thank you so much! I hope to update soon, so keep an eye out!

01/29/2007 01:27 pm
What a lovely chapter. Normally, it drives me nuts when Buffy an't bring herself to tell him she loves him , even though she knows. This time, I think it might've been more than he could've handled.
Don't worry. It will come up in the next chapter. :)

01/29/2007 07:15 am
Dude! Apparently I missed an update! Wow, these last two chappies were awesome! Especially this one. Loooooving the interaction, it's so well-written. Can't wait for more!
You DID miss an update! But you're all caught up now! :D Glad you're still enjoying this, dear.

01/29/2007 06:21 am
well they still dance, almost. very good update, thank you.
I do so enjoy their dancing. :) Glad you like it!

01/29/2007 06:21 am
Tel him, Buffy, tell him! He deserves to know! Okay, done with the Buffy-ranting.
Great chapter, I love the story.
::grin:: Soon, my dear. Very soon, actually.

01/29/2007 05:42 am
I liked this story from the beginning but now you have 'upped' my interest factor! Nice set up and I like the shy Buffy and Spike's reactions. I could see this played out beautifully by JM and SMG.
Oooh. An upped interest is always of the good. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

01/29/2007 05:37 am
I liked this story from the beginning but now you have 'upped' my interest factor! Nice set up and I like the shy Buffy and Spike's reactions. I could see this played out beautifully by JM and SMG.
Oooh. An upped interest is always of the good. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

01/29/2007 05:05 am
Aw, this is so sweet. I guess you can be forgiven since you updated so soon, lol.

Look at me trying to be all demanding. lol! Everyone knows you awesome authors have made slaves of us all, lol :)
:) Yes! I updated! Don't hate me!

01/29/2007 04:41 am
They are so awkawrd with each other that it's kinda sweet. :)
I can't wait to find out what the other's reactions are going to be when they find out that he's back. I'm also curious to find out what Willow's spell says is "wrong". I bet it has something to do with why Spike is back. Please update soon! :)
Oooh. The others. Maybe I should just ship a bunch of them off to Tahiti so I don't have to worry about writing them. :P Glad you're still enjoying it!

01/29/2007 03:51 am
oh, wow. this is just great.

01/29/2007 03:12 am
"REALLY quickly" is absolutely good! (so's this story.)
I looked up the meaning of the story's title after I read it the other day. Hmmm... :)
Very curious to know where he's been all this time.
I liked the concept of a "chiral" S6, where one action can change so much, yet so much will remain the same. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

01/29/2007 01:08 am
Oh I really love this story! Spike and Buffy are being so sweet, trying to not say what they feel, but ending up showing it anyway.

Great chapter!
I'm glad you like it!

01/29/2007 01:07 am
Really enjoying the story. Can't wait to see what the diagnostic spell says, and the future confession of love.
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

01/29/2007 12:47 am
Great chapter. Looking forward to finding out what's wrong with Spike.

01/29/2007 12:42 am
Ah, nicely done. So them, two steps forward, one back. Am curious about what exactly is "wrong" about the resurrected Spike.
I think Spike and Buffy are the epitome of the "two-forward-one-back" relationship. Thanks for reading and reviewing!