A New Day by Joyful Dayz
Chapter: Chapter 8 - Spike's Girls Past and Present

05/27/2007 06:36 am
Drusilla is all set now too. I like your progression for each chapter. You give us a lot of background information as well. Nice placement of history and past events. Good ways of working conversations between the characters to expand on the story that much more. NIcely done.
Oh, thank you for taking the time to comment! You've made my day!

02/13/2007 12:32 am
find myself being more convinced of dru's acceptance than wood's. wonderful read, thank you.
Heh, maybe I need to work some more on Wood? Thanks for the review.

02/12/2007 03:03 am
Oh my gosh. This is so amazing. I can't wait to read the rest of it! Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much! Just got the next chap back from beta, so soon!

02/10/2007 02:26 am
Loved Wood's epiphany and the general overall guy talk which was much needed between them before the big fight!
Thanks! This chap was fun to write. It just kind of flowed.

02/09/2007 06:35 am
Great chapter.
Thank you. :)

02/09/2007 02:50 am
That was a fantastic chapter. Loved Spike's tale of the other slayer's and the reactions from both Woods and Giles. Well, Buffy had her good-bye with Angel only right for Spike to get the same with Dru. Good thing that Spike's going to keep an eye on Kennedy, she needs watching. Thank you so much for the update.
Thanks so much! I'm glad you are enjoying it, and appreciate your comments.

02/09/2007 12:26 am
Great chapter. I especially love the convo between Spike, Wood and Giles.
Thank you, hon!

02/08/2007 09:34 pm
Whee!! Yes love this story, I can't wait for more.

Keep up the wonderful work.
Thank you so much! You've made my day! :)

02/08/2007 08:27 pm
Wonderful chapter! I truly loved it! Please continue soon! :)
Thank you so much! I sent ch 9 off to my beta today, so hopefully it won't be long.