Chirality by yutamiyu
Chapter: XI

08/26/2008 08:51 am
Yeeheeeheehe.. I already knew this seeming I had read it before, but it always instills the same reaction! I also really love the concept you brought up with Spike and his love for Drusilla and why he doesn't think Buffy loves him.. absolutely brilliant!

08/04/2007 04:53 pm
I really like the treatment of restraint and more quiet characters thus far - It is an interesting story but you are telling it with a quality of "calm" that I find very appealing - Don't know what you are "kind of disappointed," I like it very much - you gave good reasons for Spike's current frame of mind and good plot material for Willow's potential plot as well as keeping Buffy within her character treatment in this piece.

A Chapter well done, I look forward to reading the complete story and I think, If you don't mind, I would like to try some graphics for it -

03/06/2007 04:55 am
yea yea yea I KNEW it was going to leaving hanging on the response! I liked the chapter, I suspected but didn't want to guess. I really do hope you update soon! PLEASE?? :)
I'm trying my hardest with chapter XII; unfortunately, the muse is being (for lack of better phrasing) a heartless bitch. I'm trying to get it up by the end of the week, though.

02/19/2007 04:06 pm
Alright I was surprised, but it makes sense now. Nice work with this chap, can't wait for the next :)
Thank you! I'm working on the next chapter, although it's going very slowly.

02/18/2007 03:28 am
I sorta guessed about the soul, but I loved your reveal. Lovely chapter, especially the scene between Spike and Buffy. Touching, sad and sweet. Now you've got me wondering what's going on with
Willow and the stuff she's obviously gathering to do another spell. Can't wait to see what happens next.
There's definitely something else going on, and it will be revealed in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

02/17/2007 09:47 pm
I loved this chapter!Update soon.
Hee,I guessed right.Bad Spike for still not believing Buffy.
I think Spike's going through a lot; he's just come back from the dead, and he doesn't know why, plus Buffy suddenly loves him, when there was seemingly no evidence of it before his death. That's a lot to get through in a day!

02/17/2007 08:36 pm
the soul was sort of expected, but what else did red find? very good read, thank you.
::grin:: It's a surprise! We'll find out in the next chapter...thanks for reading!

02/17/2007 03:13 am
wow! i kinda figured that already...but that comment "for starters" kind of makes me wonder if there's more, and just why exactly she's so freaked out...because wouldn't she think of the soul as a good thing? great update, love :)
Ahh, I'm glad you're still reading! And you're definitely right...there's something else going on here. :P Thanks for reading and reviewing!

02/17/2007 02:32 am
What? Where are the others? When will there be an update? I'm dying over here...
Oh, the others. They'll be making an appearance in the next chapter, I think.

02/17/2007 12:59 am
Spike seems less than himself somehow -- can't wait to find out the rest.
I think he's going through a lot at the moment. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

02/17/2007 12:51 am
Good chapter.

Now, of course, in addition to thinking that she loves him out of gratitude, he's going to convince himself that she only loves him for the soul.

Or so I suspect. But I'm not the author, so I don't know.
I know. I'm bad. I'm sorry! You're not entirely right, but you're not wrong, either. Stick with me!

02/16/2007 03:00 pm
Love this tory; just catching up again. Yes, you surprised me. Really looking forward to seeing what else Willow discovered.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story!

02/16/2007 02:25 pm
I loved Buffy and Spike's conversation. I liked how they were both trying to be honest with each other.

Now I want to know what else Willow found out about Spike and I'm also looking forward to everyone's reactions to his and his situation.

It was a great chapter and I hope you can update soon. :)
I promise we'll find out the rest in the next chapter! Glad you're still liking the story. :)

02/16/2007 02:23 pm
Wow, bet that was a surprise for them. Really nice chapter.
Thank you!

02/16/2007 10:46 am
What else has happened to him besides the soul? That's what I want to know about. He may not believe Buffy at the moment but she's got to make him believe it. This piece of news is really going to thrill him, he definately doesn't want to be compared to the poof. To bad for Xander, now he can't call him soulless anymore! Ha! Ha! Thanks for this wonderful story.
There's something else in store for Spike -- I alluded to it a few chapters back. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

02/16/2007 06:21 am
The only problem with this chapter is that exposition is difficult to write and make interesting.
It really is. That bugs me. What also bugs me is that I'm pretty sure the next chapter is going to be mostly exposition...stick with me, though, okay?

02/16/2007 04:57 am
Am I completely outof left field hereor is this a different Spike than the one tht jumped maybe post NFA Spike from another dimension?
Interesting idea, but not what I had planned. I'll keep it in mind, though...maybe another story. :)

02/16/2007 02:22 am
It was a decent chapter. It advanced the plot - letting everyone in on Spike's new condition - and it gave a little insight into why he wasn't jumping up and down at having so much of Buffy's attention. And, I really liked your explanation for how what he felt for Dru was gratitude and his very astute guess that what Buffy was feeling might be the same thing. That struck me as quite original. I've not seen it used anywhere before, anyway.
I think at some point, Spike was with Drusilla out of gratitude and little else. And it really was an exposition chapter, which is one thing that brought it down. Thank you for reading and reviewing!

02/16/2007 02:00 am
You shouldn't be disappointed - I thought this was a lovely chapter. I hope to see more soon - I love the idea of Buffy having to convince Spike of her feelings. Please update soon!
I think it's a thin line to walk, since Buffy has never been a river of emotional information towards, he'd just come back. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

02/16/2007 01:59 am
You shouldn't be disappointed - I thought this was a lovely chapter. I hope to see more soon - I love the idea of Buffy having to convince Spike of her feelings. Please update soon!
I think it's a thin line to walk, since Buffy has never been a river of emotional information towards, he'd just come back. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

02/16/2007 01:27 am
LOL...No, the soul wasn't exactly a surprise.
The chat at the beginning of the chapter makes a lot of sense; I'm glad that it is just Spike worrying that she is confusing gratitude with Buffy, I was worried that his feelings for her had...changed.
Nah. Spike's ever the hopeless romantic; he still loves her. :) I'm glad you're still keeping up with the story!

02/16/2007 01:20 am
I was pretty much expecting a soul, but it's great to have it confirmed.

Next chapter should be interesting.
I hope so! Thanks for reading and reviewing!