All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Rude Awakening

10/14/2008 06:51 pm
Great story so far!  One thing though in the eposide of Tabula Rasa I think was never explained.  Why did Giles feel disappointed in Spike?  It's something that's always bothered me, but then again there was Anya and Giles sooo it maybe for entertainement.. Any theories?
Thanks for reviewing ;)

I always thought that the comment from Giles pertained to him being disappointed in Spike for not using his full potential.  In the opening, we see the Scoobies working together, which is good that Spike isn't being all lone wolf, but at the same time, Spike was not fighting to his full capabilities, and Giles had to be aware of that.  Maybe Spike was faltering on purpose to fit in better, but...Giles always expected the uttermost from those around him (hence him leaving Buffy), so he had to expect a lot from Spike as well.  Giles probably had a general sense of "disappointment" in Buffy, Dawn, Willow...probably most of them ;)  He focused on Spike though cause he was the only other British guy in the room.

I clearly think about this stuff too much :P

02/25/2008 05:34 pm
I liked Buffy's inner conversations very much!Good chapter it was:)
Glad you enjoyed :)  Thanks for reviewing.

02/27/2007 02:32 am
run, buffy, run. avoid as long as you can. very good read, thank you.
Yes, she most certainly will. Too bad Spike's the confrontational type ;)

02/25/2007 06:21 pm
it was great that Spike tried to tell Buffy she wasn't a freak, even though she didn't belive him.
Lol, of course she wouldn't believe him. But she'll come around, I promise.

02/25/2007 07:24 am
That was perfect run-a-way Buffy, doing exactlly what she does best. Poor Spike, all he can do is to continue to try. Wonderfully done, thanks.
No, thank you for reviewing- it's like a scrumptious drug... Anyway, Spike won't be such a doormat here... hope you'll like the following chapter.

02/24/2007 11:20 pm
Poor Spike. Buffy's leading him around and *she* doesn't even know the rules of the dance, let alone the tune they're dancing to.
Lol, I really like that metaphor. But no worries- Spike won't be so whipped here. Gosh, I couldn't stand that... Thanks for reviewing :D

02/24/2007 09:52 pm
even with all the angst, this version has things still going much better than they did in the show....they're a lot more open with each other...i think it's just in their natures to fight...(actually, that's precisely right :P)...but they're communicating at least, so that's something...excellent chapter, pet, looking forward to more :)
Thanks hon ;) Well, you should expect that whole "communication" thing to fly right out the window real soon... At least, for a chapter.