Being Somebody Else by Eowyn315
Chapter: Anne

04/15/2008 01:31 am
Excellent fight scene E - loved the way Buffy is out of practice and muffs some of her moves.
Thanks! Even a Slayer's gotta practice if she wants to stay in shape. :)

10/09/2007 07:56 pm
For some reason I believe I might have read this once but not sure.
Well, if you did, it's always nice to have people read a second time! :)

04/10/2007 03:16 am
Yup, that's our Buffster, Wondering what will happen to allow him into her apartment? Interested to see where how they get together, thanks.
Hey, Verda! Nice to see you reviewing this one. It's kinda different than my other fics, hope you enjoy it!

02/25/2007 01:31 pm
Here on Time of Change's rec; what a great story idea! You have a wonderful Buffy voice, and the story is compelling. Anxious to see where you take it!

02/22/2007 07:45 am
very good opening chapter. love the last paragraph. thanks for the fun read.
Glad you liked it!