Being Somebody Else by Eowyn315
Chapter: The Vampire

04/15/2008 02:47 am
I’d rather you kill me than keep talking to me!”  LOL - Spike is no Clint Eastwood. 
LOL! I think if he tried, Spike could probably talk a person to death...

10/09/2007 08:21 pm
oh so she wants to die

04/10/2007 05:30 am
Of course her heart's not in it, he knew that when he first saw her. That's our Spike, not always thinking things through. Well, let's see what Buffy thinks about our favorite vamp, thanks.
Spike's so torn between wanting to claim his third Slayer victory, and wanting it to be a real challenge. Looks like he'll wait for a challenge...

02/22/2007 07:38 pm
very good read, thank you. love the exchange at the end of the chapter.