Beyond This Life by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 3

02/27/2007 05:07 am
spike sums up angel perfectly, "You’re a bleeding moron.” very good read, thank you.

02/26/2007 04:03 am
love this, like having angel and company there, he should have been there, hope scoobies take up for spike

02/25/2007 06:02 pm
Great chapter.

time of change
02/25/2007 03:55 am
Good chapter.
Thanks! And thanks for the rec to zanthinegirl. :-)

02/24/2007 11:14 pm
"a hundred years of honing his brooding skills meant he was pretty good at internalizing suffering"--that is soooo Angel, in a Spike commentary sort of way.
Heh... that's Eowyn commentary, not Spike commentary, though I'm not surprised they sound the same!

02/24/2007 09:20 pm
Oh a mature sensible Cordy! I liked that version and am delighted she's the one who came along (and won't that surprise the group!).

Poor Spike, it was sad that no one ever seemed to believe him capable of love even with mounds of evidence to the contrary. They all used Angel as the model of what a vampire was like and never seemed to notice that Angel was usually the exception to the rule. How typical of Angel to make it all about him! Really one of the reasons Angel and Buffy would never have worked out in the end....they both thought everything was about them.....there was the inevidable clash of the titan egos lurking for them at some point! LOL

Yeah, one of the things I liked about AtS was how much Cordelia matured... well, the first three seasons, anyway. We're not going to talk about the higher being/sex with minors/giving birth to demon spawn thing because that just make me angry...

Good observation about Buffy and Angel... it really makes me wonder how they stayed together for so long without killing each other... oh wait... never mind. ;-)

Tristan Charron
02/24/2007 08:25 pm
I just read all three chapters and this seems like a wonderful story. The way you've painted Spike's grief is so poignant and I liked the way Angel and Spike's argument really stayed true to their characters. Nice Job!
Thanks for the review! Glad you're enjoying it.

02/24/2007 07:32 pm
Oh I love it, A fight between Angel and Spike after all Spike is the better man for walking away twice.
Well, we all knew Spike was the better man. ;-)