Come with Me by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Mine

07/01/2010 02:43 pm

02/21/2008 11:49 pm
Buffy might not let that happen,but I as sure as hell would;)
But Buffy does, lol.  Yeah--I would too :D

07/29/2007 07:16 pm
Giles whipped off his glasses, giving them a good rub with the end of his shirt. hEH HEH - things must be serious for Giles to have his shirt tail out.
Well, Buffy's missing, and Spike's invincible- yup, pretty serious, lol.

07/15/2007 09:49 am
"Spiiike, put Buffy down," she whined

hehehe I'm really loving this!
I'm glad, naturally. And please let me know what you think of the end :D

07/15/2007 09:22 am
"Spiiike, put Buffy down," she whined

hehehe I'm really loving this!

03/29/2007 04:31 pm
It always drives me nuts the way the Scoobies think they are the boss of Buffy. Grrrr.
Well, they only do it cause they love her so gosh darn much ;) Besides, at the end of the day, Buffy can either listen to them or not, although, she usually does... Thanks for reviewing.

03/18/2007 10:17 pm
LMAO - loved Anya and there is nothing better than a good Cave Buffy story.
Lol, thanks :) It just made sense in my brain to combine the two eps.

03/03/2007 08:21 am
Oh! They claimed each other! Having the ring, does that mean that his seed isn't so dead? I hope he gets to keep the ring like he should have in the first place. I definately like your version so much better. They demons alreadly feel the: Want, Take, Have mantra down so this was perfect. Now to read the next chapter. Love this, it's going to be so fun with the aftermath of this claim and I hope, a pregnancy. So excited about the possiblites.
Um... you don't really want me to answer that and ruin that, do you? Thanks for reviewing :)

02/27/2007 04:47 am
poor anya, noone listens, they really do not want to hear the truth. very good read, thank you
I don't know why they didn't listen to Anya more- she's been around a long time and knows stuff, and she doesn't beat around the bush with her explanations. Hope to see ya in the next chapter.

02/26/2007 12:27 pm
Why does it strike me that they're not going to remember much about their drunken, Neolithic night?
Oh, the magical beer doesn't come with memory loss. And even if it did, waking up naked together in the woods should... Well, I don't know- hadn't really explored that aspect of it. It's something to consider though... Thanks for reviewing :D

02/26/2007 06:22 am
Oh, naked Buffy and Spike. Together. Very nice.
There's more to come...

02/26/2007 05:32 am
waiting for more here, loving the way you have written this one, keep up the good work :)
Thanks, and I'll try to keep the updates frequent :)