Evil Me by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 5

07/13/2007 06:53 am
oh very clever using Dawn as the power source.

07/13/2007 06:41 am
oh very clever using Dawn as the power source.
Thanks! I thought so. ;) Buffy, on the other hand... not so much.

03/06/2007 03:26 am
Excellent Anya - she's great.

02/27/2007 07:23 am
that is a surprise. can hear buffy and spike screaming "no way." very good read, thank you.

02/27/2007 07:19 am
that is a surprise. can hear buffy and spike screaming "no way." very good read, thank you.
Hey! Stop anticipating my plot points! ;)

Thanks for the review!

02/26/2007 02:50 pm
oh wow...something tells me buffy's not gonna go for that too easily, and neither is spike...glad angel's on their side, as he so seldom is a good guy in spuffy fics, and it's kind of a refreshing difference...really enjoying this fic, and love how you write anya!! very well done ;)
I don't really write too much Angel as the bad guy... while I was never on the Bangel bandwagon, I don't really dislike the guy (though I do get some amusement out of injuring him...).

And I love writing Anya - she can be difficult, because there's a delicate balance in her frankness that can come off as the author trying too hard - but she can be really fun, too (and she says all the things you wanna say but don't know how).

02/26/2007 09:09 am
Uh-oh.....somehow, I'm thinking that could go *really* wrong!

Interesting, seeing alterna-Angel.
Ha! Now whatever might make you think that?

02/26/2007 06:14 am
Great chapter.

02/26/2007 04:12 am
oooh... this is getting interesting :D :D
"Getting" interesting? You mean it wasn't before? *pouts* ;-) Thanks for the review!

02/25/2007 10:16 pm
Officially intrigued.
Well, I'm glad it's official! ;-)

02/25/2007 09:33 pm
Ooooh - interesting development. I love stories that make use of Dawn's latent talents or abilities.

02/25/2007 09:18 pm
Aha! Figured it wouldn't be our Angel! But why would Buffy's merging with Dawn rather than Willow et all not incur the first Slayer? Not that I really understood that whole bit anyway. Can't not-Angel make himself useful for once?
Hmmm... didn't mean to confuse you. They're not actually doing the spell from Primeval (as will be evident when you see it done), just using the "merging for more power" concept.

As far as I could understand it, the First Slayer spell required the four components (hand, mind, spirit, heart) - but it didn't matter WHO the four people were, as long as one of them was a Slayer (I assume) because the power doesn't come from the spell's participants, but from the First Slayer.

What Willow's suggesting now is to choose someone with power (i.e. Dawn with all her Key energy) to merge with and use *that person's* power.

Hope that makes sense...

02/25/2007 09:10 pm
Wow, Willow actually using that big brain of hers to come up with something useful. I like the Anya comments, too. Looking forward to more.

02/25/2007 08:37 pm
Ooo nice surprise at the end. Everyone will likely think Willow meant Spike, not Dawn. Should be interesting.

Wonderful update.
