Evil Me by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 6

03/06/2007 03:29 am
Oh boy a double Buffy cat fight. Can't wait.

03/01/2007 12:45 am
Love the fact that Vamp Buffy still hasn't lost her sense of humor!
Yep, just as snarky as ever!

02/27/2007 04:10 pm
oh man...hope they're ready for this....and i hope that this thing made them *both* stronger, because if it just basically drained spike...oh, that could be bad....*biting nails while waiting eagerly for next chapter*
Heh... uh... well, you remember who we're talking about, right? So it's probably gonna get bad... ;)

02/27/2007 09:41 am
VampBuffy gets better lines than HumanBuffy. That just isn't right.

I like that you're writing Buffy still extremely protective of Dawn, and that Willow is still not thinking consequences, just the quick fix.
Vamp Buffy gets better lines because she's evil. ;)

Would you believe that in my first draft, the entire fight between Buffy and Vamp Buffy was SILENT? I was so wrapped up in writing the action, I just neglected to write dialogue. Then I went back and read it and went, "That's not right. The quippiest girl in the world is fighting her snarky evil twin, and they don't talk?"

02/27/2007 07:24 am
very good set up. enjoyed the read, thank you.

02/27/2007 12:43 am
Oh oh...showtime! Wonder if VampBuffy needs an invitation to this Revello Drive house? I suppose she would.

Glad it turned into Spike and Buffy...I think they can take her.

Wonderful update. Look forward to more.

Yeah, she needs an invitation... that's why Spike figured they'd all be safe if they stayed in the house.

It always ends up being Spike and Buffy, doesn't it? ;-) Whether they can take her... we'll see.

Thanks for the review!

02/27/2007 12:31 am
Concentrate, guys!!!

Oh, dear....
Heh, you think that will be a problem for Mr. and Mrs. ADD?

time of change
02/27/2007 12:31 am
Very exciting! I love your dialogue.