Evil Me by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 7

09/19/2012 04:40 am
Now that's True Love!  It would be interesting to read a follow up after the Scoobies find out about that major consequence.   

03/06/2007 03:32 am
Great fight. Looks like Dawnie is the really strong one.

03/01/2007 06:18 am
Yep, leave it to Dawn to not stick with the plan and to leave herself exposed at the same time. Even if it does save the day, she's in for a lecture of epic proportions.
I think maybe the saving the day will lessen the grounding though, don't you? And if she doesn't save the day, well, they'll probably all be dead, so no grounding at all!

03/01/2007 04:10 am
Wow! Now that was one intense, action-packed chapter! The cliffie is sorta evil. Some of us readers are kinda fragile, ya know. Can't handle the stress of waiting for the next update. :)
Haha, sorry... I have been told I'm a master of the evil cliffie, but I'm good about not making you wait *too* long. See, the next chapter's already up!

time of change
03/01/2007 04:09 am
Great chapter!
Glad you liked it!

03/01/2007 01:12 am
Whoa! Go, Dawnie! Saving the two most important people to her...not really something she has to think about.
Yeah... and they've risked their lives for her so many times, it's kind of nice to reverse it for a change.

03/01/2007 12:51 am
Well, Angel did provide a useful distraction. And even Dawn is proving useful.
Best thing Angel could do is fall on his ass... besides, people seem to like it when he gets injured. ;)

02/28/2007 11:10 pm
Oh yeah! The "unholy" triumverate! (unholy in honor of Spike of course). Lovely way to have Dawn do a power boost while still having it be Buffy and Spike joined.


Those three make a great team, don't they? (Who needs the Scoobies?)

02/28/2007 09:34 pm
Great fight!
Thanks. I tend to think fight scenes are my weakest point (since I don't know the cool moves or their names). Glad you liked it.

02/28/2007 07:37 pm
oh my goodness...what did dawnie just do? i hope it helps, whatever she did..that vamp buffy is one scary chick...excellent chapter, still loving this fic very much :)
Thank you so much! Glad you like.

Dawn was part of Willow's original plan... guess we'll see if Buffy's fears were unfounded or not.

02/28/2007 07:09 pm
Great chapter.
What will happen now that Dawn gave Buffy power?
Heh... you mean *besides* blowing Spike's mind (possibly literally...)?