That Look of Peace... by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Semi Apology from the Messenger

07/01/2010 12:36 am

02/27/2008 07:31 pm

 Good read.I liked the reference:D

I'm assuming you mean the robot/mechanical ref, and glad you noticed ;)

04/15/2007 11:12 am
Loved it :D
Thank you ;)

03/23/2007 04:25 am
I actually LOL at this one...
Too funny! Love how Spike enjoys getting her all riled up!
Thanks :) I feel successful that you laughed out loud. Was it that last bit?

03/09/2007 09:58 pm
well done, thank you.
Thank you for reviewing. Hope you like the rest ;)

03/06/2007 07:02 pm
Got a bit lost for a few minutes but I'm back with you now. Why is he still trying to aggravate her? Thought they were at a, more when a truce, stage of their relationship. Hope that won't last very long. They were getting along so much better. The jealous thing I get but I'd think he'd want to get on the better side of her then that. Enjoying this fic, thanks.
Oh, he isn't *still* trying to aggravate her- it's already happened. I'm working this backwards through s5, and that was "Triangle." A few more eps, and then I'm swinging back to after "Intervention." Perhaps I should've done it in order, but it didn't occur to me to write this until after I wrote the first one. Sorry...

03/06/2007 12:01 pm
Buffy should listen to Spike -- he's talking a lot of sense there!!
Buffy's hard headed, kinda... But alas, my ending of s5 will be a tad... different. Thanks :D

03/05/2007 11:58 pm
oh i love that scene...wish it had been in the show...he really was tryin to help her...well...trying to get riley dumped...same difference :P
Yup- cause anyone who willingly dates Riley (for that long) is a cry for help in itself, lol.

03/05/2007 07:25 pm
Great conversation between our two favorite blondes.
Thank you. I've got two more for you, though the last probably won't be canon (though it could've been).

03/05/2007 04:03 pm
Very nice reworking!
Thanks :D Just two more to go, though :(