Half and half by Eternal_red
Chapter: Chapter 4

01/14/2008 04:02 am
ha ha ha, a threesome with the demon!!! LOL!! Oh, that's awesome! Bravo! You don't read that in every fic!
My what a naughty mind you have - bit like mine really

03/07/2007 03:05 pm
This is definately becoming more interesting. Love two Spikes! Of course Spike would know where William would take Buffy. Let her enjoy this. It's been a long time for all of them. Can't wait to see the next chapter and if she'll give in to them. Watching for your next update, great chapter, thanks.
Thank you.

03/07/2007 05:24 am
well, she just finished think that she loved them equally. very good read, thank you.
Thanks again Vladt - but you know what they say about the path of true love

03/07/2007 12:09 am
lol...how did *that* happen? not that she would mind that much...great chapter, loved it...
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't mind (drools over keyboard). thank you DoS

03/07/2007 12:08 am
Hmm so it seems Spike found them and decided to join the party. I have to say Buffy is a lucky girl for that. This is a situation to be enjoyed and savored. Now let's hope they do that instead of moralizing or worrying about the future
um ...

03/06/2007 11:27 pm
Oh what a nice turn of events for Buffy....Two for the price of one LOL. Oh yeah!

I always wondered at the zipless F^&k betweeen Spike and Harmony...he never loosened his pants at all (talk about magic sex) in that scene! *G*

Interesting how you have split the hybrids. Like how Spike knows all the secret places at W&H too.

Excellent update.

yeah - never understood why he could remain celibate for so long and then just drag Harmony off for a quicky. I refuse to believe that he got very far. I know I'm stretching it a bit to have a building within a building but W&H is a very strange place with all sorts of possibilities

03/06/2007 10:02 pm
(snort) Hee hee. Only Buffy would get into this sort of situation. But it makes you wonder about the whereabouts of the Slayer. . .
Well - if you can just hang on till the next chapter - thank you sandyrah