All the Way and Then Some by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: More than Normal

07/26/2009 10:30 pm
Definitely like your version of events better!
Lol, me too :D

Thanks--I'm glad you liked it!

02/25/2008 11:24 pm
Brilliant theory! Hymen and all...witty;)
And about the last part of the chap,I think they should've remembered about Willow.But again,it's part of all "let the scoobies find out" goal,I presume:)Gotta love those ideas of yours.:D
On the Willow thing, yeah, in the ep, had Spike not just gone for his lighter, and actually went know, they totally would have, and I'm sure Willow would've heard *something*, lol.

Thanks about mentioning the whole theory bit, and it's cool that you agree :)

01/23/2008 11:47 pm
I was wondering if Willow was going to catch a show haha. I really enjoyed the spin on this episode with Spike playing the gentleman and winning Doris over.

I can go with the theory, especially since she came back slightly different than before.
lol--too bad she didn't think it was one of the good kinds ;)

And yeah--I always thought it was kind of...OOC for Spike to not be as charasmatic as he could be with Doris in canon. Thanks for the review :D

03/09/2007 09:16 am
I think it's feesable that if she grew back new skin with no old scars, that she'd also have her hymen back as well. Cell regenerating, yup, it works for me. The smooth talker, charm Doris so she doesn't bother Buffy for another month. Well they should be straight with Willow. She knows how much Spike hates magic, so no magic used on Buffy, other then his good looks and that talented tongue. I'd love to see him move into the basement now. Help Buffy and Dawn at the same time. Excellent chapter, reading the next one now.
Yea, for some reason, I just wanted to legitimately have Spike as her first (at least physically), erasing (or at least partially) all things Riley, cause eww... Thanks for reviewing :D

03/08/2007 06:18 am
poor red, wish i could feel sorry for her. but i'm sure she feels sorry enough for herself, and will attempt to fix everything. great chapter, thank you.
Yes. Although, there will be no guilt cookies. Thanks :D

03/07/2007 04:06 pm
oh wow...this could be bad...i hope willow doesn't totally freak out over this, but something tells me she might *sigh* excellent chapter, love, very much looking forward to reading more :)
Hmm... we shall see. Willow will have a bit of a rough patch... :D

03/07/2007 07:04 am
Oops? What's Buffy gonna tell Willow?
Great chapter.
There's no way to really explain that, unless she claims it was a spell... But I assure you, my Buffy won't do that ;)